
Change is inevitable

Loneliness becomes oneness when you embrace it whole heartedly.  Then you acknowledge your own broken side and include it in your whole picture of life.  Your journey includes both good and bad aspects.  Live life for those innumerable moments of experiences , those faces coming and disappearing daily in front of you.  When all are having the same essence of connectedness to the supreme , who ever you see is the messenger of that supreme entity for you.  People change , situations change , we also change because change is the identity of being progressive in life. Atleast change is needed for a real change in life. 

Your cup of tea

  God brews something out there for you and your so called life journey , the destiny.  If it's your cup of tea , you understand it and adopt it easily . If not , you get puzzled desparate to find out an explanation out of the blues.  For the meanings and interpretations are often open ended.  Never mind , search and find answers on your own. For life is yours and thoughts are yours .  Even the destiny is so.  Unwavering and with certainty, it will be there for you. Waiting like a peacock wishing for the rains to come .

Inquisitive world of mine.

  Yes , I exist . But it may not be so in your world. May be it's a Mirage unseen , something unimaginable even for you.  Moments of life pass and I fade away ; my existence in reality to be precise.  Truth is that , Sometimes somethings happen with no reason.  The obvious reason becomes clear only after a while.  Searching for some enigmatic tales of destiny , I dig deeper into wisdom lanes.  May be some thing precious I get , may be or may not be .  And after a deep journey far and wide across the globe , I shall conclude on the last day.  Yes , I exist now and my existence will be marked somewhere out there , yes , here itself and die.  Search for soul paradise begins here , unknown journey still in making. Never wonder why things happen, coz the string is controlled by the universe.  One day , I shall know myself , thee also know thyself more.  The inquiry to know the reality aka soul urge to know the ultimate truth starts ... T...

Expanding horizons

  When you enter a state of expanding horizons of consciousness , your reach increases.  Have you seen in mythological stories , when a deity remembers someone , they are in front of them directly ?  This is what happens in expansion of horizons also. Our thoughts raise to higher levels and our inner self , our soul and outer universe gets more connected. This simply increases the universal law of attraction. There things like telepathy also works. You wish someone to connect with you in thoughts and they directly approach you in some way to connect by themselves. We say a word our vision , so this states that we have our inner eye open and this guides us and shows us light to explore our journey. This insight through the inner eye is the real vision.  This shows your soul and intentions are expanding their horizons . And you are reaching far and wide. Expanding yourself in thoughts making it explore more can make you reach higher realms in external real life also....

Lineage of re births – an untold story

                    Shifting from one consciousness to another one can be possible for many. What makes them explorers and preachers of the hidden world at the same time? Is it something like an interconnected web of information and experiences of past lives they are recollecting? May be or even might be. That’s all we can say. About Buddha, Jataka tales tell earlier birth stories of buddha in various forms.   As our soul energy transcends different dimensions, and different time periods, we are also developing and imbibing new things in us and when we enter our next lives, we ultimately become old mature souls with wisdom and an unparalleled treasure of innate experiences that guide us every now and then.   Sometimes we are stuck in the present life as if something is pending and this pending thing may not be available in your present situations also. So may be that is from the past, something to be done by you or to...

Metamorphosis of life..

  Life changes stage wise. Shaping of real destiny takes time and this is a metamorphosis. You attract things for future in each stage . You have to trust the process and go on the path with open mindedness. May be a storm will be there , or a calm wind. Windy mornings may end up in misty evenings when it comes to real life and destiny. No one is beyond these universal rules , you have to think for yourself to identify these small changes. You can may be infer changes from new people or situations you face , things will eventually change. The changed phase will be available after a while only. Or you realise that change after a noticeable period only. Changes are inevitable and they will remain so. Metamorphosis. Morph means forms , yes , life changes its forms like a chameleon . You must adapt also quickly to it . Yet the changes are slow when they start , one word is OBSERVE . Observe yourself and surroundings. Even silenc e can teach you new things once you learn to observe and ...

Conversational depths

Image   What is the purpose of conveying ideas to each other ? What is real communication and a little different version of it - a conversation ?  You convey ideas to each other so as to know deeper each other and understand more. Real communication can be verbal or written , even a mental telepathic one. But to be a conversationalist , one needs to know more topics , to subtle levels and convey that to the person sitting next to them.  In interviews , when it becomes a meaningful conversation, it becomes enjoyable and informative.  The first thing you need to be a real conversationalist is to become open and broad minded. Be in an open state to ask and answer. It's difficult in a formal setup , but if the vibes are matching between two people, great talks can happen.  Let things flow , ideas get synchronised in between both of the people involved. In this way , these conversations can prove to be really fruitf...

New blog on human emotions and Ayurvedic psychology.

Transmigration of soul

  Migration of one soul to another is said to be transmigration in ancient philosophy. It is said that people who are well controlled in maintaining mind and body , the hermits are able to perform this Vidya also known as Parakaya pravesha. Para means other , Kaya means body and it's like entering into another body. We have heard stories of Buddha who took various births and Adi Sankara who entered the body of a king inorder to understand how a normal human being behaves in normal married life as a Grihastha. It is to be noted that both of  them were eminent philosophers of their time in search of the eternal truth.  They were having harmonious existence of mind and body . They were also not stagnant at one place. They meditated and at the same time , travelled in the nook and corner of the country and the neighbourhood spreading positivity that mastered the world in due course of time.  We can ascertain that they had that charisma and the ability to observe even the...

Subtle silence

  Silence , slow soft words and a smile can do wonders . When you are with someone who deeply understands you , their silent presence can instill a sense of deep calmness. This is what we feel when we are near someone innately spiritual and sweet in nature. In nature - the word itself says , their own nature and the universal nature are in harmony and complimentary to each other. We say their Chakras are balanced , they are grounded to the earth.  Not all can instill that sweet slow soft words and silence. If you have some people who are in that sync , go with their positive presence and think mindfully in their presence. You will get more clarity to your inner search and yearnings.  Universe will blossom in you , cherish your inner nature -  subtle and peaceful soul existence.  For my Malayalam posts , see here

Emptyness and creation

Nothing was present until the first creation occured.  That emptyness was unavoidable.  That void space filled the nature as a cause for creation.  Everything has a reason and the reason will create the creation. Cause is inherently present in the creation.  Your modified version is already in you , yet you can realise that only when the right time appears.  Wait for the D moment.  Wait with patience. May be one day or one year or years may go in vain. Yet , patience is the only key .

You as a book.

  You are like a book in the vast library , the world.  Some read you in this life time , some donot understand and move on. Some come later when they understand and remember what you gave them as lessons.  You are a book just like others , similarity is that you are one among the huge pile of books in the society. Yet , your theme the life purpose may be different. Often a unique destiny also will be woven intricately as the book binding to it.  Once you become old , you suffer wear and tear and atlast , the book gets damaged and become soiled , even burnt to ashes a day.  If someone with huge interest in your theme reads you and understands you , you will get value and your reach will be more.  Any ways , you are  always dear to your guardian , the librarian .  The librarian knows each and every minute detail about you. He has brought you here in this library of the world.  Any ways , hope always to get good learners. You also try to mould ...

Destiny and destination


Mindfulness and Ayurveda

 There are many worlds in one's thoughts.   The world they perceive , the world of people whom they consider near and dear and also the world of people whom they consider not upto the mark.  One can switch over thought processes from different perspectives also if we consider this idea.  Even thoughts are of varying nature. We say positive thoughts are of Satva Guna , negative thoughts of Tamo Guna and greedy selfish thoughts of Rajo Guna. In the purest sense , Rajo Guna in adequate quantity can boost activity by creating need to fulfill desires on the go.  In meditation also , when we say to observe your thoughts , you are becoming the silent observor and identifying your own soul as a seperate identity. This can help to practise a detached way of looking how your senses and perception of things are happening. You can also check if you are thinking as guided by your  Manassakshi , your ultimate conscience.  So here you are understanding your mind...

Your existence – does it matters for the world?

  You are born and are living and will die a day. Does your existence matter for you or others? Your existence matters for you if you are loving and caring yourself. If you believe in yourself. Your existence matters for others only when you are of worth help to them. If you have something to offer to others, then others will pay attention to you. Otherwise, nothing changes in the world, your presence and absence not even matters. This moment you are healthy, this moment you can breathe easily, but may not be the same after some days or years. The universe changes every moment, emotions come and go, body cells undergo transformation and what not? So, stability is just an imaginary standard in our life. You can be stable in your thoughts if you embrace the inconsistency of life. Reality also is changing as per the time and experience of the person perceiving it. When you open your eyes, the light that enters you forms an image, yet the perceiving of that image requires the anal...

Same or different ?

Everything is relative , relative to the perspective of the viewer or thinker.  You see a person full of health , another gives attention to his financial status.  You see a person full of skills , another look at his face.  One gets inspired by your thoughts and another gets a lesson from you not to be generous to any one.  They see only what they want to see in you.  Not even yourself know your reality. How can others realise then ?  You change yourselves every year and even every moment due to new experiences.  You make new choices and shed old thought patterns also may be .  Yet you seem to be the same person , but you are not.  Even your minute cells have gone irreversible changes by then.  Some live for welcoming death a day.  Some die thinking of life and it's toughness every moment.  So , how can you say all are same.  Same species of humans may be , yet all are unique.  Birth and death are the two sides of th...

Talking to others

  Some talk right things to the wrong person.  Some talk wrong things to righteous people.  Some talk irrelevant things to the public.  Some remain silent even to people who care them very much. Some never mind talking everything to anyone .  Some talk negative about some people only and boast others.  Some talk about only themselves and boast themselves.  Some never understand what to talk and get confused while talking.  Some donot want to talk and have thoughts only.  Some want to talk only meaningful words.  Some want to talk only to special ones in their inner circle.  Some want to talk even in sleep and pretend themselves to be genuine. Some want to meditate than talking coz talk means wastage of energy for them. Some need to talk and wish to talk with people whom they really care for.  What and why to talk is vested in minds of the people.  All talk something , some listen , some donot. 

Connecting links...

  Sometimes we become mere connecting links..  That thing will be very accidental , yet will be satisfactory also coz the river has to flow on and on .. from one place to another.  From one person to another.. may be it's just to convey some idea  May be it's just to make them realise about themselves , their life purpose , their real potential.  Connecting links are unique , they are made just to connect , not to ponder forever.  Like an unending journey , the messenger goes on travelling throughout the life, changing destinations , meeting new people , and learning new things.  That's their identity , they adopt change and bring change in others life and progress selflessly. Messengers just convey message and are unattached to the receivers. Their purpose is only to deliver and they donot expect anything in return. Their life will be unique , clothed by mysterious ways of destiny , interesting yet very different.  The life of an Avadhoota also i...

Diving deeper into your ocean .

  Talk about life , it's inconsistency , it's philosophical outlook and what not.  Talk about rain and it's coldness that still mystifies the night.  Talk about the nature , the greeneries and the hope it gives when you see them.  Talk about what you feel when alone , in your weirdest days and in your intense private moments.  Just talk about what makes you so special about life.  Just tell what is the meaningfulness of life . What is the ultimate reality and fake nature of life actually .. Just think more and dive deeper to your inner realms and if possible , let me also into that ocean🌊 Some times I also need to know how another person feels ,  Some times I also need to see what the other person sees ,  And if possible , be open and generous to me ,  For I have been your nice acquaintance since some months or even moments of intimacy . 

Breaking the barriers

  Sometimes people hesitate to bring change in their lives , not even thinking to go high.  May be the societal norms have deeply ingrained in them the fear of pursuing greatness.  He who has money or higher ranks in the society only deserves to aspire higher. A common notion which needs to be broken asap.  You can fly high in your thoughts and visualise it. You can use internet and other information available to know more.  Break the class differences in your mind. You are born to explore new horizons. Do it from now. Start thinking differently.  Travel through different pathways , not one alone.  If you are a teacher , you can be a pilot if you study that course. Break such norms in the society.  If you are a woman , you can also become a leader , a fighter and lead the nation alone.  The upper glass ceiling may instill thought of threats , yet you have to do it , so that others can follow you.  You want to be a billionaire , read abou...

Self proclaimed loneliness

  You say you are alone or are you self proclaiming it ? If you say you are alone , just think again . Go back to your thoughts , you will see an old version of yourself smiling at you as such along with you.  So , are you alone !?  You always have your own ignorant childhood version , then the current form and the yet to arrive historic version of your self.  Even you have two forms ,the real inner you and what others perceive you as a person.  Then  are you alone. You are always full and alive.  You become alone when you are not knowing who you are , what you can be .  Loneliness is not there , it's your illusion or you are lost in between reality and fantasy worlds.  That's why the seers said , know yourself. Tat twam asi. The light is you. Thy lead thyself. 

The white paper of life..

  And all it happened on a white paper ,a blank one , pure - made from previous life time deeds.  The moments of life seems to be like plus and minus equated in a balance .  The moment a child takes birth , another person dies and gets free from the body.  One death gets compensated by another birth and vice-versa.  The moment you laugh is a moment of despair for someone else.  Then , how can you judge every moment ; for it is just relative to the eyes and mind of the perceiver.  No one can keep prejudice about life , not even about our own life.  Destiny is not in our hands , it unfolds by its own, just be receptive to its mysterious turns .  Born as same species , dieing as same species , then why live as aliens trying to dominate weak strata among them ?  The questions existed before answers or can be said that answers truly originate from their source.  The source has the solutions in it. Seek it and find it right on the way....

The reality of power

 I guess what power means to me is something which is like a magic wand to influence others.  Power packed appearances and solid words are the factors which makes one a real source of charisma and magnetism.  Power is acquired , yes , through smart work and one's consistent efforts. You can't snatch power , it should come to your hands.  For the throne needs to be occupied by the ablest person , the one with the capacity to do things and get things done equally.  History says , conquests for love , land and mere power capturing was prevalent.  Yet who ruled the masses ? Still who had the charisma to remain on top , not the one with crooked disposition.  Great are the ones who rule on hearts of people , for they have that attitude to deeply engage and make changes in their minds.  It's the fire that they ignited still spreads in the world. Their fire was their innate powerful thoughts that shook the contemporary concepts and paved the way for new o...

Sun and moon in you.

  Sun and moon were shining inside you , that authoritarian and nurturing side of you was prevalent.  That protector and care taker side of you , I could feel always.  Sun and moon , one with intense heat and the other with soft cool rays.  I doubt how you managed to be both to me.  You were my guardian with a paternal and maternal side.  I have seen you scolding harshly and softly pampering me  I have seen you rise in ego and remain humble in kindness.  You were such a mixture of vague and clear idealogies for me that I am unable to ascertain who you really were.  Were you the rising sun giving light to all or the cloudy yet cool moon providing moon light in the night hours.  Whatever you were , you were indeed a guiding light.  May be the ancestral wisdom embodied to guide me.  You were pure love , you were the ray of hope for me. 

An Eye on Love ❤️

 Those were the beautiful days when I thought to convey something to you.  Those days , I was not alone , your image was in front of my eyes.  Those were the days when I was silent , your thoughts occupied most of my attention.  Those days I was not myself , you were more in my priorities.  Some times , no, most of the times , I could  plainly imagine how you would come out of your house looking gorgeous like anything.  Looking like an angel , I could hardly breathe seeing you , yet I was silently observing you from my window pane.  We have met at some neighborhood shops or may be at some functions .  But you just smiled at me and I could hardly initiate a talk.  Never ever try to hide from me girl , coz I know what you are and what you will be thinking right now .  A silent hawk is always like that , always circling around its interest and the eyes are revolving around that as usual .  This is something enigmatic that I feel a...

Magic of shuffling words

Yes , he knew the magic of shuffling words. It was not his cup of tea once upon a time. Yet , he learnt that art of deceiving or art of gimmicking for extending his life. For he never wanted a stagnant life , his life was full of turmoils which made it a roller coaster ride. He managed to escape every time . Thanks to his uncanny cat like attitude which helped him to be the ultimate survivor. His words were tricky , but he never used them to cheat. He used words to attract others for a cause . He was a magician of his world , the world he built with his sheer perserverance and hard work. No one could sneek peak into that , because of his mysterious nature. He was a master cracker who could manage many things at a time. Never wonder if you would have seen him engaging with multiple people or dealings at a time. He knew the boundaries of time and what waste of time can do for him. He shuffled with time and tasks and made his position reach the top throne . For the throne was the minds of...

Universe and your intentions

The idea that the supreme power of the universe is present in every object is age old. When we analyse , how this happens , you can see manifestation techniques based on law of attraction and visualisation for your aid. Whether you are consciously attuned to the frequency of the universe or not , you will be performing your deeds in sync with universal harmony. You will see signs like number synchronicity and able to analyse people easily also. Such powers are a part of spiritual powers like Clairvoyance , clairsentience , ESP etc. In ancient Indian philosophy , we say about 8 Siddhis like Anima , mahima etc. This includes powers to become large , small , attract everyone etc. How this happens ? This happens because the person becomes in tune with the universal intention and his or her life purpose is also following the right track guided by the supreme power. Things fall in place and in favour . Words flow effortlessly and like an ocean. You might have seen how eloquently poets and wr...

Live like an ant

  An ant 🐜 the smallest creature in your outlook is one of the strongest organisms ever known. Even if it's alone , it will always look for what it can do for the society. It will work hard and smart , store food for the future and remain in its own discipline. An ant can bite you if you disturb its path , even the bite is of mild formic acid. It gives you a lesson that don't mess up with people who are determined to follow their path. An ant makes colonies , has its own methods for everything . It never considers food substances to be large or smaller in size. It drags everything to the place it wants , it reaches everywhere . Ant is the epitome of the sentence little things make it large in future. Start your journey as an ant and progress slowly but consistently aiming the highest. Succeed like an ant , never mind where you are now. You will definitely reach there if you are strong inside .  


What is DOCTOR HEALTH ?  DOCTOR HEALTH is a new initiative in Ayurveda to club various disciplines to spread Ayurvedic knowledge to the masses.  We access Ayurvedic wisdom and convert it to blogs , articles and social media posts helpful to the public. Our mission  We aim DOCTOR HEALTH initiative to reach more people.  What we offer ?  We offer online and offline Ayurvedic consultation , counselling as well as classes . If you want to study Ayurvedic basics or to implement Ayurvedic principles in your daily life , we can definitely help you.  We also provide high quality Ayurvedic as well as literary content for Ayurvedic and general websites.  How can you avail the benefits of this initiative ?  If you are interested to learn more ,  Kindly mail us on right now !  We assure you this will be a brand new experience to you .  We care for you, physically and mentally as per your needs.  DOCTOR HEALTH , the ...

Art of faking

  Art of faking is taught to everyone since birth. From makeup for new born babies to fake tears after death of a relative , we are made to follow the societal norms and rules for the satisfaction of some others who are not at all in terms with our inner visions.  Babies are given mark with Kajal so that they don't get any evil eye .Such things may exist . But rather than preventing people to say Ill comments , we make our babies full of unwanted powder and marks making them like clowns. To be Frank , if a beauty conscious person is not doing this , babies will look like clowns only. Many things we do are just as per someone's advices without any proper explanation also. Living just to avoid criticism in itself is a sort of hypocrisy.  As they grow up , we make children pursue things as per the market demands and ofcourse relatives demands. Who gave the rights to disturb the natural course of growth and development of a child to people who dont have knowledge about depth ...