Transmigration of soul


Migration of one soul to another is said to be transmigration in ancient philosophy. It is said that people who are well controlled in maintaining mind and body , the hermits are able to perform this Vidya also known as Parakaya pravesha. Para means other , Kaya means body and it's like entering into another body. We have heard stories of Buddha who took various births and Adi Sankara who entered the body of a king inorder to understand how a normal human being behaves in normal married life as a Grihastha. It is to be noted that both of  them were eminent philosophers of their time in search of the eternal truth. 

They were having harmonious existence of mind and body . They were also not stagnant at one place. They meditated and at the same time , travelled in the nook and corner of the country and the neighbourhood spreading positivity that mastered the world in due course of time. 

We can ascertain that they had that charisma and the ability to observe even the minutest things and it is said that when higher Chakras are activated , subsequently, your senses and intellect also gets enlightened and crystal clear. The ultimate knowledge , the bliss of wisdom shines in the crown , that is the Sahasrara chakra , the supreme chakra.   


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