Perfectionist souls...


Some souls reincarnate only to perfect their activities and roles. 

When they reach that segment of life where correction is needed , they do it and again continue the rest of life with ease . 

This makes them feel dejavu throughout their lives as they know how to do things since many incarnations. They repeatedly do certain karmas and attain mastery in it. In the game , they also meet their past life friends and foes in different names all again. 

At the end , when the soul attains it's life purpose , Moksa the liberation .. cessation of desires happen. 

Then , the soul merges into the cosmos , no... it flies and just disappears in the vast nothingness. 


  1. The concept of what happens to the soul after death varies among different religious and philosophical beliefs. Here are a few examples: 1. Reincarnation: In various religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, and some New Age philosophies, the concept of reincarnation suggests that the soul is reborn into a new body after death. The specific circumstances of the next life are believed to be determined by the individual's actions and karma in their previous life. 2. Heaven and Hell: In many monotheistic religions like Christianity and Islam, it is believed that the soul goes to either heaven or hell after death. Heaven is viewed as a place of eternal bliss and closeness to God, while hell is seen as a place of eternal punishment and separation from God. 3. Purgatory: In Catholicism, the concept of purgatory is believed to exist as a temporary state of purification for those souls who are not entirely free from sin but are not meant for eternal damnation. They undergo a process of spiritual cleansing before being admitted to heaven. 4. Annihilation: Some belief systems, such as certain branches of atheism and philosophical materialism, hold that the soul does not exist or that consciousness ceases to exist after death. The idea is that death marks the end of one's existence. It is important to note that beliefs about the afterlife and the fate of the soul vary greatly, and individuals may hold different perspectives based on their personal beliefs and cultural backgrounds.


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