Ascension of consciousness


When you are raising your consciousness beyond a certain level ,; special mention to the word here , it's a level and not a limit ; you transcend boundaries of perception . 

Universe becomes an open portal for you , wisdom becomes your innate power and your ultimate strength. 

You also become acceptable or we can say accessible or understandable to only selected ones . This may create a sense of aloofness and detachment. Yet , for the universal vows to get manifested , this is a prime need . 

You become aware of things at the right time and the right place only even though you become more alert and prepared to handle unforeseen incidents . 

Things get into action mode very soon you start to think and act accordingly. So as a whole , life turns into a dynamic one like never seen before. 

Every day will become a new busy day , you turn thoughts to manifestations very soon. 

You can also say the wheel , the chakra of your destiny gets aligned to your path and starts rotating even faster because you get the grip over the wheel to make it accelerate easily. 

This also becomes a source of energy generation like a motor generates electricity . Constant thoughts acts like a centripetal force here. 

So , one should always think that everything happens for a reason. The reason could be anything , may not be imaginable for all. Yet the supreme reason rules our lives , to make it meaningful or may be more exciting in its due course. 

Life is an enigma and a philosopher lives life just to witness that saga and wonder the miracles of universe. 


  1. Yep, everything is for a reason. We will have to wait. Well said.


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