Hidden connections


Mind body soul , these are seperate portals of existence. Souls who understand and utilise them with synergy acquire higher levels of awareness and activity. 

These three can make one expand their connection circles in society like faster networks of wireless connections these days. 

People who are energetically vibrating high tend to be subtle calm and profound in their essential nature. 

Silence is the communicating language of soul and so sprituality gives importance to meditation in silence. 

Words are related to mind and body and are capable of travelling to other dimensions. So mantras are given importance in specific cases. 

Deeds are for bodily existence and normal people. So rituals are for them to understand the nature of eternal higher self in the most legible form. 

No wonder why sages who commanded power made silence as their ornament . Silence is thinking and editing thoughts at the same time before uttering as meaningful words.

Mind body and soul are connected in unison in people who are meant for a mission in the society. 

They act like a flash which is never even thinkable for the normal people because their ability to comprehend and reciprocate to activity form is unimaginable. 

The super power comes from the Karmic soul itself. 

Notable point is that even though normal people cannot understand the complete essence of their soul , they can atleast give respect to the ever witnessing ever lasting soul which has entered their present life body and mind . Mind also has left over Karmic imprints which makes the person prone to do previous life Karma as an inborn tendency. 

Soul is the only one factor which is corruption less and is having no differentiation in anything in nature. It's like a white paper or the serene open sky which just watches like an open eye. 

Speed is the word for Normalcy and velocity for spiritual existence as it has something like an X factor into it inherent . 

This X factor makes true spirituality magnetic and royal. 

This X factor can be the cause of the Prabha and Tejas of the people who become free from Karmic debts and ultimately free from wordly bonds in mental levels. 

For them , life is A to Z flat and profound with some experiences which they just smile and witness how their body responds. 

For them , death is the only reality. 

For them , Birth is for Karma and death is the full stop after finishing  that pending Karma and nothing else. No dramas involved in between. Like a river flowing to the sea , they just flow throughout their life. 

And That's their nature. 

Indifferent and detached to everything. 

Silent observer of the universe . 

Admirer of the pure love in the world and exploring it to the highest levels. 

Love is God and the ultimate truth for them. 


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