Live like an ant


An ant 🐜 the smallest creature in your outlook is one of the strongest organisms ever known. Even if it's alone , it will always look for what it can do for the society. It will work hard and smart , store food for the future and remain in its own discipline. An ant can bite you if you disturb its path , even the bite is of mild formic acid. It gives you a lesson that don't mess up with people who are determined to follow their path. An ant makes colonies , has its own methods for everything . It never considers food substances to be large or smaller in size. It drags everything to the place it wants , it reaches everywhere . Ant is the epitome of the sentence little things make it large in future. Start your journey as an ant and progress slowly but consistently aiming the highest. Succeed like an ant , never mind where you are now. You will definitely reach there if you are strong inside .  


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