The white paper of life..


And all it happened on a white paper ,a blank one , pure - made from previous life time deeds. 

The moments of life seems to be like plus and minus equated in a balance . 

The moment a child takes birth , another person dies and gets free from the body. 

One death gets compensated by another birth and vice-versa. 

The moment you laugh is a moment of despair for someone else. 

Then , how can you judge every moment ; for it is just relative to the eyes and mind of the perceiver. 

No one can keep prejudice about life , not even about our own life. 

Destiny is not in our hands , it unfolds by its own, just be receptive to its mysterious turns . 

Born as same species , dieing as same species , then why live as aliens trying to dominate weak strata among them ? 

The questions existed before answers or can be said that answers truly originate from their source. 

The source has the solutions in it. Seek it and find it right on the way. 

The path is lengthy and a bit tougher , yet going on is your choice. Free will is your choice. 

Life is your choice , death is your choice . Living like being dead is your choice, it seems you have to find out yourself - for yourself. 

And all it happened on a white paper ,a blank one , pure - made from previous life time deeds. 

The moments of life seems to be like plus and minus equated in a balance . 

The moment a child takes birth , another person dies and gets free from the body. 

One death gets compensated by another birth and vice-versa. 

The moment you laugh is a moment of despair for someone else. 

Then , how can you judge every moment ; for it is just relative to the eyes and mind of the perceiver. 

No one can keep prejudice about life , not even about our own life. 

Destiny is not in our hands , it unfolds by its own, just be receptive to its mysterious turns . 

Born as same species , dieing as same species , then why live as aliens trying to dominate weak strata among them ? 

The questions existed before answers or can be said that answers truly originate from their source. 

The source has the solutions in it. Seek it and find it right on the way. 

The path is lengthy and a bit tougher , yet going on is your choice. Free will is your choice. 

Life is your choice , death is your choice . Living like being dead is your choice, it seems you have to find out yourself - for yourself. 


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