Breaking the barriers


Sometimes people hesitate to bring change in their lives , not even thinking to go high. 

May be the societal norms have deeply ingrained in them the fear of pursuing greatness. 

He who has money or higher ranks in the society only deserves to aspire higher. A common notion which needs to be broken asap. 

You can fly high in your thoughts and visualise it. You can use internet and other information available to know more. 

Break the class differences in your mind. You are born to explore new horizons. Do it from now. Start thinking differently. 

Travel through different pathways , not one alone. 

If you are a teacher , you can be a pilot if you study that course. Break such norms in the society. 

If you are a woman , you can also become a leader , a fighter and lead the nation alone. 

The upper glass ceiling may instill thought of threats , yet you have to do it , so that others can follow you. 

You want to be a billionaire , read about how they earn and live. Don't limit yourself now thinking that I have no money like them now , you can also be one if you start thinking now. 

No such barrier exists in the universe, raise your frequency and go get it. 

This is the rule of the universe. The universal law of truth.  


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