Mindfulness and Ayurveda
There are many worlds in one's thoughts.
The world they perceive , the world of people whom they consider near and dear and also the world of people whom they consider not upto the mark.
One can switch over thought processes from different perspectives also if we consider this idea.
Even thoughts are of varying nature. We say positive thoughts are of Satva Guna , negative thoughts of Tamo Guna and greedy selfish thoughts of Rajo Guna. In the purest sense , Rajo Guna in adequate quantity can boost activity by creating need to fulfill desires on the go.
In meditation also , when we say to observe your thoughts , you are becoming the silent observor and identifying your own soul as a seperate identity. This can help to practise a detached way of looking how your senses and perception of things are happening. You can also check if you are thinking as guided by your Manassakshi , your ultimate conscience.
So here you are understanding your mind and the concept of mindfulness through meditation. If you are aware of your every moment , you are mindful every moment and thus are in a meditative contemplating mode.
Contemplation of thoughts is called Manana , you are churning your own thoughts and seeing whether they are upto the mark. He who constantly is vigilant and checks his own thought processes and actions is more efficient and up-to-date if we say in a modern angle .
This is also the base for Pranayama . You are regulating the breath flow inorder to control your whole mind and body together. Even Ayurveda says that , regulating your wind energy especially Prana vata is important to sustain life. We start our life by breathing and end also by the last breath. Major prana vata enters the first stage and even minor 5 vatas go out of the body at the time of the death.
Our breathing , sensory perception , thoughts and all these things are connected to Vata the wind energy , that's why we say to relax yourself while having a difficulty to breath . When we feel stressed , we feel a congestion out there and when reaching relaxation, the Vata gets regulated in its proper flow . This also promotes healthy mind and even good sleep.
This is the reason why Ayurveda acharyas like Susruta also gave immense importance to Vata , the wind energy in the body.
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