Talking to others


Some talk right things to the wrong person. 

Some talk wrong things to righteous people. 

Some talk irrelevant things to the public. 

Some remain silent even to people who care them very much.

Some never mind talking everything to anyone . 

Some talk negative about some people only and boast others. 

Some talk about only themselves and boast themselves. 

Some never understand what to talk and get confused while talking. 

Some donot want to talk and have thoughts only. 

Some want to talk only meaningful words. 

Some want to talk only to special ones in their inner circle. 

Some want to talk even in sleep and pretend themselves to be genuine.

Some want to meditate than talking coz talk means wastage of energy for them.

Some need to talk and wish to talk with people whom they really care for. 

What and why to talk is vested in minds of the people. 

All talk something , some listen , some donot. 


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