Same or different ?

Everything is relative , relative to the perspective of the viewer or thinker. 
You see a person full of health , another gives attention to his financial status. 
You see a person full of skills , another look at his face. 
One gets inspired by your thoughts and another gets a lesson from you not to be generous to any one. 
They see only what they want to see in you. 
Not even yourself know your reality. How can others realise then ? 
You change yourselves every year and even every moment due to new experiences. 
You make new choices and shed old thought patterns also may be . 
Yet you seem to be the same person , but you are not. 
Even your minute cells have gone irreversible changes by then. 
Some live for welcoming death a day. 
Some die thinking of life and it's toughness every moment. 
So , how can you say all are same. 
Same species of humans may be , yet all are unique. 
Birth and death are the two sides of the same coin. 
You take birth for a purpose , for something. 
If you find that some thing , you can become anything in life. 
If not , you end up being nothing . 
As a grass perishes after the summer arrives , you also get uprooted and fade away in the sands. 
For the world to remember you a day , be someone who can do something good . 
Any ways , all is well and all is same. Yet you can make a difference if you wish. 


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