Your existence – does it matters for the world?


You are born and are living and will die a day. Does your existence matter for you or others? Your existence matters for you if you are loving and caring yourself. If you believe in yourself.

Your existence matters for others only when you are of worth help to them. If you have something to offer to others, then others will pay attention to you.

Otherwise, nothing changes in the world, your presence and absence not even matters.

This moment you are healthy, this moment you can breathe easily, but may not be the same after some days or years.

The universe changes every moment, emotions come and go, body cells undergo transformation and what not?

So, stability is just an imaginary standard in our life. You can be stable in your thoughts if you embrace the inconsistency of life.

Reality also is changing as per the time and experience of the person perceiving it. When you open your eyes, the light that enters you forms an image, yet the perceiving of that image requires the analysis done by your brain technically and knowledge internally. That feel of perception is known to your mind and sense organs. This process is acknowledged or witnessed by your inner soul or Atma. This is the process of functioning of sense organs as per Ayurvedic physiology.

Mind is important, thoughts are important hence feelings too are important.

Observe yourself and your thought patterns and raise your thought levels to feel good. This is also the basic foundation step to enter meditative mindfulness and later stages of alternating consciousness for the sake of healing the mankind .


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