Inquisitive world of mine.


Yes , I exist . But it may not be so in your world. May be it's a Mirage unseen , something unimaginable even for you. 

Moments of life pass and I fade away ; my existence in reality to be precise. 

Truth is that , Sometimes somethings happen with no reason. 

The obvious reason becomes clear only after a while. 

Searching for some enigmatic tales of destiny , I dig deeper into wisdom lanes. 

May be some thing precious I get , may be or may not be . 

And after a deep journey far and wide across the globe , I shall conclude on the last day. 

Yes , I exist now and my existence will be marked somewhere out there , yes , here itself and die. 

Search for soul paradise begins here , unknown journey still in making.

Never wonder why things happen, coz the string is controlled by the universe. 

One day , I shall know myself , thee also know thyself more. 

The inquiry to know the reality aka soul urge to know the ultimate truth starts ...

Time passes and truth comes as a clarity into the soul..


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