Expanding horizons


When you enter a state of expanding horizons of consciousness , your reach increases. 

Have you seen in mythological stories , when a deity remembers someone , they are in front of them directly ? 

This is what happens in expansion of horizons also. Our thoughts raise to higher levels and our inner self , our soul and outer universe gets more connected. This simply increases the universal law of attraction. There things like telepathy also works. You wish someone to connect with you in thoughts and they directly approach you in some way to connect by themselves. We say a word our vision , so this states that we have our inner eye open and this guides us and shows us light to explore our journey. This insight through the inner eye is the real vision. 

This shows your soul and intentions are expanding their horizons . And you are reaching far and wide. Expanding yourself in thoughts making it explore more can make you reach higher realms in external real life also.  In fact , we can also say that when this happens,the boundary between you and the universe fades away little by little. When this boundary is completely not there , we called it liberation aka Moksha. 

Our body is made up of Panchamahabhuthas and when this liberation occurs , we dissolve into the universe. May be it's a form of sublimation. From solid to gas coversion. It's also just a physical conversion only. Our gross form changes into subtle microcosmic form. 

When you expand yourself in thoughts and project to the universe , you will find answers than getting questions. 

We say getting answers out of the blue , yes , we get answers from the tranquility of the sea of our own mind. 




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