The reality of power

 I guess what power means to me is something which is like a magic wand to influence others. 

Power packed appearances and solid words are the factors which makes one a real source of charisma and magnetism. 

Power is acquired , yes , through smart work and one's consistent efforts. You can't snatch power , it should come to your hands. 

For the throne needs to be occupied by the ablest person , the one with the capacity to do things and get things done equally. 

History says , conquests for love , land and mere power capturing was prevalent.  Yet who ruled the masses ? Still who had the charisma to remain on top , not the one with crooked disposition. 

Great are the ones who rule on hearts of people , for they have that attitude to deeply engage and make changes in their minds. 

It's the fire that they ignited still spreads in the world. Their fire was their innate powerful thoughts that shook the contemporary concepts and paved the way for new ones. 

One who is extremely powerful doesn't need any propagator to spread his ideas , the universe will send messengers to propagate them like seeds propagated by wind. 

Power is a frequency , the frequency that manifests things on its own. 

It's that stage when you step on ,rest will be assured by the universe.

Powerful is the stage when your thoughts starts revolving in the universe and like a dart , go straight to the aim and do the intended task.  

Powerful is that name when your words are meaningful and are having a  unique purpose of its own. 

Determination and strength should emanate from you , you should start radiating hope in who ever heard you. That's what an emperor does. 

Empires are not built in a day , power is not accumulated all of a sudden.. 

Power is cultivated , power is manifested and power is amassed through a series of events in life which teaches you managing the enormous energy you  slowly begin to possess . 


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