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Universe and your intentions
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The idea that the supreme power of the universe is present in every object is age old. When we analyse , how this happens , you can see manifestation techniques based on law of attraction and visualisation for your aid. Whether you are consciously attuned to the frequency of the universe or not , you will be performing your deeds in sync with universal harmony. You will see signs like number synchronicity and able to analyse people easily also. Such powers are a part of spiritual powers like Clairvoyance , clairsentience , ESP etc. In ancient Indian philosophy , we say about 8 Siddhis like Anima , mahima etc. This includes powers to become large , small , attract everyone etc. How this happens ? This happens because the person becomes in tune with the universal intention and his or her life purpose is also following the right track guided by the supreme power. Things fall in place and in favour . Words flow effortlessly and like an ocean. You might have seen how eloquently poets and writers compose well known pieces of work. This comes of that natural flow which makes such master pieces a rare piece of dexterity and genuine creativity. Creativity itself is a gift , a blessing which is a magic of creating everything out of nothing. You take a pen and paper and the creative person can do wonders as per wish on that plain paper. It's that gift that ancient people had prayed for , to create things beneficial for the universe. They wished to make the world a better place to live. The history continues , the humane efforts continues still today.
Some souls reincarnate only to perfect their activities and roles. When they reach that segment of life where correction is needed , they do it and again continue the rest of life with ease . This makes them feel dejavu throughout their lives as they know how to do things since many incarnations. They repeatedly do certain karmas and attain mastery in it. In the game , they also meet their past life friends and foes in different names all again. At the end , when the soul attains it's life purpose , Moksa the liberation .. cessation of desires happen. Then , the soul merges into the cosmos , no... it flies and just disappears in the vast nothingness.
When you are raising your consciousness beyond a certain level ,; special mention to the word here , it's a level and not a limit ; you transcend boundaries of perception . Universe becomes an open portal for you , wisdom becomes your innate power and your ultimate strength. You also become acceptable or we can say accessible or understandable to only selected ones . This may create a sense of aloofness and detachment. Yet , for the universal vows to get manifested , this is a prime need . You become aware of things at the right time and the right place only even though you become more alert and prepared to handle unforeseen incidents . Things get into action mode very soon you start to think and act accordingly. So as a whole , life turns into a dynamic one like never seen before. Every day will become a new busy day , you turn thoughts to manifestations very soon. You can also say the wheel , the chakra of your destiny gets aligned to your p...
I neglected myself because I was indulged in your thoughts every now and then. Felt it to be more satisfying than my dreamy world of despair. I started loving those moments when I could count your breaths near to me. I started to count down days so that the D day arrives and I could spend my day with you. Eyes became intoxicated only because you were sleeping in my dreams. So serene gift of God you are , may be I feel blessed these days only because of you. Sometimes , I feel to smile cutely in a while. Sometimes , I laugh loudly at myself and my foolish thoughts about you . I guess , I am fine right now. Who cares , world only dances seeing you. I know. I felt too to sing and dance. But alas , I am not an expert to boast things like that. I did them .. yeah , but in my dreams. I am negligent , but diligent in devoting you deep inside my soul. Oh my precious little pearl.
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