
Ascension of consciousness

  When you are raising your consciousness beyond a certain level ,; special mention to the word here , it's a level and not a limit ; you transcend boundaries of perception .  Universe becomes an open portal for you , wisdom becomes your innate power and your ultimate strength.  You also become acceptable or we can say accessible or understandable to only selected ones . This may create a sense of aloofness and detachment. Yet , for the universal vows to get manifested , this is a prime need .  You become aware of things at the right time and the right place only even though you become more alert and prepared to handle unforeseen incidents .  Things get into action mode very soon you start to think and act accordingly. So as a whole , life turns into a dynamic one like never seen before.  Every day will become a new busy day , you turn thoughts to manifestations very soon.  You can also say the wheel , the chakra of your destiny gets aligned to your path and starts rotating even f

In search of happiness 😊

Happiness should come from within. Yet sometimes gloominess sets in unknowingly even without a proper reason. May be humans should try to turn on the mode of becoming automatically happy , content and grateful for every little thing they have in life.  Since the media mainly promotes fear frequency and anxiety provoking data , one should consciously develop the ability to remain under poise and silent .  It's like we don't even know who is right or wrong in the society , if fabricated info is used for manipulating the common public or not.  Any ways , we are not here to judge or keep prejudiced closed views about the world. For the world is so vast to explore , if vice exists , the expansion of virtue also is commendable amidst the crises.  There is no Representative of God to resurrect the world as we wait for , but we all should encourage our own light 🕯️ to give vision to atleast someone in need in front of us.  Then , there will be no further confusions whether to follow c

Profoundness ..

  Profoundness gets created naturally from depth. Depth which is massive and which is influential in many sectors of the society. Silence can also become profound once the person is valuable for the society.  Profoundness sometimes gets equated to greatness then. It can become noticeable from their words and writings.  Profound opinions will be having different facets yet can be summarised into simple meaningful sentences.  We can say , every genius has that trait in atleast some of their works . Literary pieces , portraits , films , music compositions , scientific theorems and what not.  We may see some people looking like a model portrait or a picteresque landscape or building and exclaim with awe , profound creativity of the creator indeed !! Yes , profoundness is that quality which makes others dive into your depths just to know you better.  Like exploring a hidden pearl deep underneath the ocean 🌊 , they wish to see your real origin right there in the most beautiful manner.  Prof

Silence and the powerful bliss .

  Silence comes naturally when we are in observing mode rather than reacting. When we understand that silence can be converted into space for powerful thinking , planning and executing actions , we start realising it's importance .  By this kind of exercise , we even get the power to influence others and even their thoughts with our occasional comments on specific topics.  Practically , silence is linked to abstinence and detachment.  Detached to words means mind also awake but in a observatory mode along with sensory organs. Only our soul has the opinion according to our innate instincts and intuition at first. After that , slowly we analyse the input given to our sense organs and form thought impressions. After these steps only , words come out of the mouth.   In this way , silence lessens the speed of actions and helps timely interventions only. It helps to prevent decisions in haste.   Silence thus helps to inculcate gentle slowness in our thoughts , words and action. We become

Fast forwarding into future , a parallel universe

  When we are into the era of AI , we think future is more complex and fast. Yet if we observe , there will be glimpse of the future in the past itself , the precursor version which is a hope that is underdeveloped.  We say , the large tree of future rests in the tiny seed.  We can also think of parallel versions with different choices and events in the same moment . For our simple understanding , we can recall that we live in a 3D World where people across the world live in the same moment doing different things , living different lives even in different time zones . If we also understand that our mental world is even more complex , with different thoughts taking place with different places in mind , there comes another world where we all have different activities every now and then.  Past present and future are mere time lag incidents and if this lag disappears , then there will be no such difference in periods too. May be concepts like time machine has hold on to ideas like these. I

Alliance - a word less known rightly !

  We see matrimonial ads seeking suitable alliances regularly. But are they really into alliances or just contracts based on power struggle ?!  Alliance is possible between two independent strong entities which makes the union beneficial to both the parties involved. So , this clause is not that much suitable for current system of marriage where one side dominates over the other.  Among powerful countries , alliances happened in the past. On the other side , there was also power disparity and owing to that war also was common. Then came the tales of power acquisition and merger to the winning countries boundary.  Alliances were friendly coexistence with mutual benefits whereas acquisition and merger were painful for the defeated country.  These days we can see business expansion through mutual alliances and partnerships. Acquisition and merger can be seen when a large company takes over another company in conditions like profit loss.  So , many terms will have applicability in many con

Senility and spirituality

Spirituality is considered to be more easier for people who are senile in age and wisdom. Sometimes , senility becomes a part of spiritual seekers . They become mature in thoughts , words and actions sooner or later activation of chakras occur in a dynamic pace.  Some souls need to do a lot of tasks in a short lifespan whereas some got less tasks to do. Sequences of life events are arranged in speed according to that . This explains why some people get more dynamic life and some a static version .  Senility slows down bodily processes and makes the body vulnerable to immunity troubles. This may be the reason why Yogis were always encouraged to preserve their Ojas , the vital essence by controlling their breath and body fluids like semen.  Senility also makes body , mind and soul act differently occasionally as body is weak , mind is unsteady with less focus and soul is still energetic as it is just a witness of life.  Soul carries the imprints of other incarnations too and is youthful

Experiences.. incidents..

 Life should pickup speed and go fast to a dynamic daily engaged mode.  Glimpses of recent activities meant for the society. The disabled , the illness prone , the section who needs care in the most elegant and simple way.

Hidden connections

  Mind body soul , these are seperate portals of existence. Souls who understand and utilise them with synergy acquire higher levels of awareness and activity.  These three can make one expand their connection circles in society like faster networks of wireless connections these days.  People who are energetically vibrating high tend to be subtle calm and profound in their essential nature.  Silence is the communicating language of soul and so sprituality gives importance to meditation in silence.  Words are related to mind and body and are capable of travelling to other dimensions. So mantras are given importance in specific cases.  Deeds are for bodily existence and normal people. So rituals are for them to understand the nature of eternal higher self in the most legible form.  No wonder why sages who commanded power made silence as their ornament . Silence is thinking and editing thoughts at the same time before uttering as meaningful words. Mind body and soul are connected in uniso

Perfectionist souls...

    Some souls reincarnate only to perfect their activities and roles.  When they reach that segment of life where correction is needed , they do it and again continue the rest of life with ease .  This makes them feel dejavu throughout their lives as they know how to do things since many incarnations. They repeatedly do certain karmas and attain mastery in it. In the game , they also meet their past life friends and foes in different names all again.  At the end , when the soul attains it's life purpose , Moksa the liberation .. cessation of desires happen.  Then , the soul merges into the cosmos , no... it flies and just disappears in the vast nothingness. 

An ode to life - philosophy

  Philosophical introspection reveals some sort of stillness in life. It's like watching a stone creating ripples in calm water. That moment of observation is priceless. Watching some moments , some thoughts in peace itself is soothing , so beautiful it seems.  It should come from inside.  May be there are threats or obstacles outside or even inside us. But , we need to have some pure blissful moments which makes us lively and at ease with our very nature and destiny.  It can be a piece of soulful music 🎶 , a wonderful dance or even an artistic personality in front of you reminding you how charming life can be , or life is now in fact.  It can be a mother's innocence to see her child doing some naughty expressions , can be a favourite hobby of yours or even some magical thoughts about your future , your so called futuristic fairyland dreams.  Your creative imagination can add colors to your life and bring a smile to your boring days.  Your thoughts and words can ignite warmth


Still alive , still warm.  Still under thoughts coming out of blue sometimes.  Still patient to hear and bear.  Still hopeful to move forward .  Still wearing a smile to let moments pass .  Still grateful for those moments of philosophical introspection about life.  Still eager to find meaning of existence.  Still waiting to hear what the soulful silence echoes to me softly.  Still joyful and pious at heart ❤️ Still jovial and sincere in intentions.  Still living in the moment extending thoughts to pearls of words.  Still travelling to faraway fairy lands in thoughts just to explore , just to take a deep breath in nature.  Still heart is beating and mind is sailing so high ,  And.. it's the philosophical bend of mind which makes it so easy going . 

Royalty when personifies..

People crave for royal presence. Like a Leo. Like a thunderstorm with all its boldness. Such a presence will be majestic , classy and elegant to the core.  Command is the word. Influential charisma is the word. Powerful silence is the word to be reserved for such a personality.  Sophisticated words and meaningful deeds go hand in hand for them.  That has nothing to do with situations or places. But we can say simply , powerful people make places powerful.  It's like playing life like juggling balls.  Even the gait and glances do matter for others. They make heads turn to them and ears focussed to their words.  Royalty is powerful simplicity with elegance.  Royalty makes others love and worship us , look after our opinions .  Royalty gives rejoice and comfort for our well wishers.  It's the inherent smart play in it indeed which makes others fall for that quality. 

Strings unattached. Life ahead.

Like a movie script unfolded , life and your destiny unfolds beautifully. If you look at it with awe , you can get some moments of pure bliss.  Yeah , there exists moments of distress too. But feeling the magic of unexpected events and people in life is also necessary to sail through life.  Creating your own style in everything , ingraining some inherent philosophy to it also do matter.  We worship people who can enchant us , entertain us , inspire us , instill hope in us in life.  Life is short , yet , we all are made to create our own legacies .  This time is yours. Make it something magnificent.  Then, sometimes looking at the sunset , the bluish sky , the greenish grass beneath , flowing river all instill a sort of freshness in us.  Even , amidst crisis moments , looking at the clear blue sky makes us feel that atleast it's there which is free from clutter,  vast giving solace from breathlessness ignited by stressful thoughts.  It's our own willpower which decid

Your value.

You become valuable when your words are precious.  When they have their own impact and depth .  You become valuable when you influence others at some level.   You become valuable when you value your ideas and dreams , and even your even silly transient thoughts and memories .  You become valuable when you believe you can bring out the best version of yourself.  You become valuable when situations become irrelevant in front of your tenacity and perseverance to manage things .  You become valuable when you are feeling it's fine to be okay and sad , it's fine to succeed and fail , and move on with grace in life.  And when that attitude speaks itself a loads to others involuntarily , like a natural process , you become a valuable person for the society. 

Ever loving God ...

  God has never restricted anyone even in thoughts ,  For he is the one creating unrestricted free flow of divine bliss.  For he is the source of pure love energy ,  Like an ocean full of waves which come and go ; influence even one sitting on the shore watching the game.  God has given so much power , so much tender love with kindness like a mother to one who remembers his blessings.  And the smile that touches every heart is a gift of God.  It encircles your face like a 🌙 cresent moon.  The glow showers light on others, the light of positivity and hope making others believe in miracles.   Mesmerising about life and it's mysteries , one who loves God eternally never fades away.  They will remain in hearts , forever and for eternity.  You feel God when you smile with rejoice shedding all your prejudice and sorrows.  You feel God when you are open like a fresh bamboo shoot.  You feel God when love sparks from your glance and words.  You feel God when there is acceptance and gratitu

You make it complete

  The universe has different functions.  You may seem trivial in the large universe. Yet your soul also is important. You have to fill the void space in the universe by performing your life purpose . And , there will be people interconnected with your purpose. Those who are in the same direction of your soul path will meet you at the right time and assist you in your journey. So the ♾️ universal plan needs you also to complete certain tasks in this lifetime.  Life purpose and associated tasks come like a necessary action at that specific time. It may not be pre planned . We say , we didn't think of certain things even in dreams before it's happening.  Such things are often due to involuntary drive of our soul towards our life purpose.  At the end of your life , it will happen and will be later termed to be reason for your very existence in the universe.  Accidental discoveries , inventions etc are part of such huge life purpose served by blessed souls in the history of mankind.

Future tenses.

  It's about how you spend time with others and yourself.  It's about more things to come soon.  It's about nothing to worry about.  Someone watching out for you.  It's like a protection which you can't see but which is there for sure.  Like a powerful thunderstorm , some things will happen to uproot yourself. But instead you will float with all  your strength.  It's like the real saga starts from there.  It's bizzare but it's your reality.  Reality may not always come slow.  It will come faster and too soon.  Get your bag packs ready for reality. 


    I neglected myself because I was indulged in your thoughts every now and then.  Felt it to be more satisfying than my dreamy world of despair.  I started loving those moments when I could count your breaths near to me.  I started to count down days so that the D day arrives and I could spend my day with you.  Eyes became intoxicated only because you were sleeping in my dreams.  So serene gift of God you are , may be I feel blessed these days only because of you.  Sometimes , I feel to smile cutely in a while.  Sometimes , I laugh loudly at myself and my foolish thoughts about you .  I guess , I am fine right now.  Who cares , world only dances seeing you. I know.  I felt too to sing and dance.  But alas , I am not an expert to boast things like that.  I did them .. yeah , but in my dreams.  I am negligent , but diligent in devoting you deep inside my soul.  Oh my precious little pearl. 

Universe is changing...

   At first time changes , then frequencies . Then the souls change accordingly.  Universe is changing. So are we. So are our circumstances.  Focus on yourself because you are the one who is changing. Your destiny will change according to your way of changing. Focus on that new path that unfolds like a new bud blooms to a beautiful floral existence.  Nature is listening to your inner soul. So is your life path too.  Your way will get diverted to another new way.  Go slowly , carefully and mindfully. Philosophies and creative pursuits will be in the hot topic lists of the world soon. Because , changes are always foreseen by observors and they have their own keen explanations based on that which gives more insights for the normal society.  All the best ; hopefully and finally things will fall in place soon. 

Intuition and soul ..

  Spontaneous thoughts are often connected to intuition and our past life experiences. It is coming from the wisdom which we have gained from every incarnation.  We can compare it with dripping of fine essence from  juicy fruits when covered with fine leaves.  We are imbibing thoughts and it's essence gets imprinted slowly into our soul and it reflects like a tiny glow of light in our eyes at that time. Some thing like entering of pure light and shining in our soul , it feels like that.  This is the reason why freely thinking , speaking and journalling helps to find out what our subconscious mind has in it like hidden treasures.  This will help you decode your innate instincts and decide to go the way your soul guides.  We tend to have craving towards certain thoughts and activities. Finding out them will help us to make our soul happy. Mind will wander , but soul is just a witness to what mind thinks and if we are aligned to our soul , our consciousness , we can walk the straight

Old souls and their life purpose

  Old souls and their life purpose  Life is not new for old souls. They have experienced a lot of lifetimes before , precisely incarnations which made them evolve into beings with wisdom and purpose to take birth.  They know how life has ups and downs , they handle these with ease as they are experienced hands now .  Cycle of birth and death is also known to them , then why do they reincarnate ?  May be to fulfill some leftover Karma , something which they eagerly waited to do , yet could not be completed at that time owing to lack of a lifetime !  Yes , sometimes even life times are too short to accomplish some missions.  Selected souls get selected lifetimes and selected Karma to fulfill and thus the new journey to the mother's womb begins. The person gets another Janma.  Old souls recognise other old souls and communicate through soul , often deep eye contact makes them recognise others in due course . That familiarity strikes their soul. May be they have gone through various l

Sorrow , an ocean of gratitude.

  Energetic cleansing downloads happen many a times in the life of a truth seeker.  At that period , they may experience sudden bouts of sorrow which helps to wash away the traces of previous Karma and be prepared to embrace next upcoming futuristic karmas guiding towards fulfillment of life purpose.  At this time , the person will experience unforeseen miseries unable to cope up with making them tremble with fear , agony and deep sorrow with tears flowing like an ocean 🌊 Trust the process guided by your ancestors and seers.  For your birth will have a destiny and purpose.  Don't let your feets flow away in the ocean of thoughts ,  Hold on to the divine feet of Lord ,  You will not be rescued for it is not a danger you are in now.  It's a divine intervention for you to proceed by setting aside all your troubles , even your mental dilemmas .  Like Krishna was taken by Vasudeva in the rains , in the Pralaya , universe , the higher power needs you to wake up and realise yourself.

Healing inside and outside

  Healing starts when you are ready for it.  It can be something to learn from your own introspective thoughts or just interactions with people and experiences arising from these.  May be you should bend your thoughts to a more optimistic spectrum.  May be you should change your perspectives and remain open minded to embrace a brand new version of yourself. May be you need to consider self love as a priority and stay away from toxicity .  May be you need a change in diet , lifestyle and even your surroundings to start the very process of healing.  Sometimes healing can occur from releasing your  inner trauma by crying , journalling, travelling or simply by open interactions with someone whom you trust and who cares you.  Ayurveda has numerous medicines and therapies aimed at achieving healing in a natural way .  And the ending sentence would definitely be ,  You need yourself. Make yourself a priority and get ready for a new enchanting journey all alone in the universe.  Yes , be curio

Uncertainty of life..

 Always uncertainty exists around you.  But what's the use of fearing it ?  Those moments which made you feel yourself happy and satisfied need to be included in the big picture of your life.  Those moments need to be cherished and portayed as the real yourself for you feel so genuine and authentic at that time.  Moments are momentory , yes , they pass too fast.  It could be something which you liked to do or even going for a walk, writing a piece of work or buying something you wished to have since long time.  Happiness comes in installments and some times as sudden offers too. Grab those valuable moments and be proud of yourself.  You may do or don't do also in life some things. But what you actually did needs your attention , recognition and appreciation indeed.  Love yourself , just be there for yourself coz you must consider your mind to be free to do things in life. To be active always , requires your constant efforts. At the same time , be little bit relaxed also.  Take

Osho , a magnet

  You become a magnet and become seductive at the same time , so is it good or not ?  Depends on what you are focusing on and what do you show as a path for them to follow.  You be devil showing heinous way devoid of humane ways , then , it's a no.  But , if you are good enough to inspire them to do something good for others , say a yes.  Intoxication comes in many ways , people can get addicted to your thoughts , words , way of doing things , appearances and as a whole in your personality. But , remember every person has their own set of thoughts and impressions which are hard to break .  So , your version of influence gets together with their thoughts and that action may not be always pure.  If you are imparting guidance for a person with good intention at the right time in the right way , may be it will have a positive impact.  If given for a mischevious tricky person , your piece of guidance can be misused also.  The same happened with Osho .  A man with lots and lots of charis


  I saw a mirror there.  I walked into it to see what was really going on . I saw some people inside me talking loudly. I saw some incidents happening inside me and I was still rewinding them.  I searched for my soul , saw it being dusty and dull trapped in thoughts.  I sighed and made myself free again , to have some fresh air in the rain forest ahead.  I closed my eyes and a wind blew right then, went with the flow and reached another realm.  It was not the usual one , the charismatic realm of magic and talismans it was.  I started healing there , it was full of magic 🌹.  Roses were getting pampered by some people.  I asked them who they were.  They were the royal charioteers just chit chatting near the garden .  They asked me ,to get into the palace.  I was surprised , yet they called me Amun, you are our hailing queen , plant your feet on the royal carpet.  Thoughts came in a rush and with dismay , yet , I went there in a split second.  It was the second realm I explored. The firs

Shiva - Sakti

  Shiva doesn't require a support. He is the support to others for he knows what is universe.  Shiva is wisdom personified and Sakti expresses that to the universe.  Both release huge energy , the energy of creation , creativity into the nature.  Shiva and Sakti maintains the world by healing.  Healing gets into the core of the very nature of a person only when they know how the universe is sustained. Even the body is what the universe is at the subtle level.  Siva and Sakti use healing through words, thoughts and action.  Another companion they have always under their control is time.  It requires the right time to get any action into reality.  They have creativity yet the imagination requires the support of time to become the truth.  Yes , they also wait for the right time.  Time and situations change and they dance together in the cosmos till the nature nodes them a yes.  Miracles happen and the universe gets blossomed in those wonderful moments. 

Becoming medium of love.

  Becoming a medium is not an easy task. It requires you to be one with God's energy , the ultimate blissful love energy which is in itself an ocean of compassion.  To become that , you need to be down to earth, with pure heart , through which only you will be able to channelise the pure crystal like healing love energy to others.  That's why sacred souls always had episodes of trauma and misfortune in their lives , this made them prayerful and careful exposed to tornados in life.  These experiences made them mature enough to be the motherly influence for the society.  You become a medium of God once you become prepared internally yourself and walk through path mentored by God. 

Article in Mathrubhumi related to parapsychology