Old souls and their life purpose


Old souls and their life purpose 

Life is not new for old souls. They have experienced a lot of lifetimes before , precisely incarnations which made them evolve into beings with wisdom and purpose to take birth. 
They know how life has ups and downs , they handle these with ease as they are experienced hands now . 
Cycle of birth and death is also known to them , then why do they reincarnate ? 
May be to fulfill some leftover Karma , something which they eagerly waited to do , yet could not be completed at that time owing to lack of a lifetime ! 
Yes , sometimes even life times are too short to accomplish some missions. 
Selected souls get selected lifetimes and selected Karma to fulfill and thus the new journey to the mother's womb begins. The person gets another Janma. 
Old souls recognise other old souls and communicate through soul , often deep eye contact makes them recognise others in due course . That familiarity strikes their soul. May be they have gone through various lifetimes in different roles together . 
Old souls are detached to many of the contemporary thought patterns and changing lifestyles deep inside. 
They feel inside their tastes are different. 
Old souls donot need the urge to eat , sleep and repeat pattern and often they will think why to live and why to die. 
For them , all are alike and often like a philosophical joke of the universe. They just walk a straight path from birth to death alone and see themselves walking to the supreme power and the universe only at the end. 
They see the end from the beginning. So , death is a relative come home for them . Just a transient phase for their new journey to another life. 
For them , only light shines at the beginning of life and at the end of life. 
Old souls get trouble only when they are forced to follow the conventional society rules. Afterall , these rules change in every incarnation.  
They are not affected then also as they can smile at the temporary obstacle in between and go ahead with indifference. 
Old souls radiate love , compassion and acceptance to other beings. For that makes them often take another birth , to give guidance to another generation to have a blissful life by teaching them lessons from their accumulated karma , Sanchita karma from the past. 
Old souls stir deep memories in others related to their past incarnations. That is why , they influence them to take necessary steps to start their journey towards life purpose. They initiate journey towards wisdom. 
They are the Guru , they are the ancestors reincarnated among us. 


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks for reading my blog. I write info I have read before and from my own experiences and thoughts. Thank you.

  2. Namasthe Doctor,
    Well explained.
    Thank you.

    1. Thanks for reading the blog and commenting. Shall continue my journey of writing.


  3. Great thoughts spring through the great souls. Greatness of soul requires great Sadhana, which must have performed by you in this and various past lifetimes.


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