Healing inside and outside


Healing starts when you are ready for it. 

It can be something to learn from your own introspective thoughts or just interactions with people and experiences arising from these. 

May be you should bend your thoughts to a more optimistic spectrum. 

May be you should change your perspectives and remain open minded to embrace a brand new version of yourself.

May be you need to consider self love as a priority and stay away from toxicity . 

May be you need a change in diet , lifestyle and even your surroundings to start the very process of healing. 

Sometimes healing can occur from releasing your  inner trauma by crying , journalling, travelling or simply by open interactions with someone whom you trust and who cares you. 

Ayurveda has numerous medicines and therapies aimed at achieving healing in a natural way . 

And the ending sentence would definitely be , 

You need yourself. Make yourself a priority and get ready for a new enchanting journey all alone in the universe. 

Yes , be curious to explore more , even your inner desires should make you think , wow...

Opinions appreciated.. 

Share your healing journey @ sreedevinv321@gmail.com. 


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