Osho , a magnet


You become a magnet and become seductive at the same time , so is it good or not ? 

Depends on what you are focusing on and what do you show as a path for them to follow. 

You be devil showing heinous way devoid of humane ways , then , it's a no. 

But , if you are good enough to inspire them to do something good for others , say a yes. 

Intoxication comes in many ways , people can get addicted to your thoughts , words , way of doing things , appearances and as a whole in your personality. But , remember every person has their own set of thoughts and impressions which are hard to break . 

So , your version of influence gets together with their thoughts and that action may not be always pure. 

If you are imparting guidance for a person with good intention at the right time in the right way , may be it will have a positive impact. 

If given for a mischevious tricky person , your piece of guidance can be misused also. 

The same happened with Osho . 

A man with lots and lots of charisma and admirers , who could influence others even through his expressive eyes became a mystery later due to this fact. 

Good and bad are just perspectives which change according to time. When you become neutral , who cares if you call them good or evil !!



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