Intuition and soul ..


Spontaneous thoughts are often connected to intuition and our past life experiences. It is coming from the wisdom which we have gained from every incarnation. 

We can compare it with dripping of fine essence from  juicy fruits when covered with fine leaves. 

We are imbibing thoughts and it's essence gets imprinted slowly into our soul and it reflects like a tiny glow of light in our eyes at that time. Some thing like entering of pure light and shining in our soul , it feels like that. 

This is the reason why freely thinking , speaking and journalling helps to find out what our subconscious mind has in it like hidden treasures. 

This will help you decode your innate instincts and decide to go the way your soul guides. 

We tend to have craving towards certain thoughts and activities. Finding out them will help us to make our soul happy. Mind will wander , but soul is just a witness to what mind thinks and if we are aligned to our soul , our consciousness , we can walk the straight path towards our life purpose. 


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