Silence and the powerful bliss .

 Silence comes naturally when we are in observing mode rather than reacting.

When we understand that silence can be converted into space for powerful thinking , planning and executing actions , we start realising it's importance . 

By this kind of exercise , we even get the power to influence others and even their thoughts with our occasional comments on specific topics. 

Practically , silence is linked to abstinence and detachment. 

Detached to words means mind also awake but in a observatory mode along with sensory organs. Only our soul has the opinion according to our innate instincts and intuition at first. After that , slowly we analyse the input given to our sense organs and form thought impressions. After these steps only , words come out of the mouth.  

In this way , silence lessens the speed of actions and helps timely interventions only. It helps to prevent decisions in haste.  

Silence thus helps to inculcate gentle slowness in our thoughts , words and action. We become valuable for the society when our words and deeds are calculated and insightful . Short , crispy conversations also helps to serve official purposes very well and upto the point. 

Silence should come from strong , open , aware mind and not from closed , ignorant mind. Broad outlook about life need to be cultivated by positive practises and experiences in life before adorning the jewel of silence. He who has the poised attitude and focused mind can have silence as his companion always.


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