Fast forwarding into future , a parallel universe


When we are into the era of AI , we think future is more complex and fast. Yet if we observe , there will be glimpse of the future in the past itself , the precursor version which is a hope that is underdeveloped. 

We say , the large tree of future rests in the tiny seed. 

We can also think of parallel versions with different choices and events in the same moment . For our simple understanding , we can recall that we live in a 3D World where people across the world live in the same moment doing different things , living different lives even in different time zones . If we also understand that our mental world is even more complex , with different thoughts taking place with different places in mind , there comes another world where we all have different activities every now and then. 

Past present and future are mere time lag incidents and if this lag disappears , then there will be no such difference in periods too. May be concepts like time machine has hold on to ideas like these. In Indian philosophy also , time is even revered to as God and he who transcends or overcomes this timelag becomes the God himself. 

Fast forwarding things in the same moment or making them have more lag all comes under the ancient siddhis of seers . 

Coming to the normal life , some will live the same routine life and some may extend their boundaries expand and establish themselves in the same period of life. We can't say all are overcoming the time lag , but we can change our mental world even if we can't always change our physical reality. 

If one thinks of a luxurious life or progress altogether , they can practise mindful visualisations to make that world happen inside first. There comes another issue of being prone to day dreaming rather than doing active efforts to get what you intend. 

Mentally also one has to traverse a lot , observe , understand and analyse a lot to get familiar to patterns in life. Certain patterns of personalities of people , type of events occuring in life etc . There , independent open thinking plays a major role. Without getting stuck in the time periods can be correlated to years of kind patience to pursue the goals in another words in normal life. 

And , one must also understand that we are just  a micro unit in the whole cosmic universe which has got to do little tasks in the entire lifetime. So , gratitude and openness to the universe only helps to proceed further . Cosmic beings travelling in the limited time period throughtout the lifespan. Humans disguised. 


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