Senility and spirituality

Spirituality is considered to be more easier for people who are senile in age and wisdom. Sometimes , senility becomes a part of spiritual seekers . They become mature in thoughts , words and actions sooner or later activation of chakras occur in a dynamic pace. 

Some souls need to do a lot of tasks in a short lifespan whereas some got less tasks to do. Sequences of life events are arranged in speed according to that . This explains why some people get more dynamic life and some a static version . 

Senility slows down bodily processes and makes the body vulnerable to immunity troubles. This may be the reason why Yogis were always encouraged to preserve their Ojas , the vital essence by controlling their breath and body fluids like semen. 

Senility also makes body , mind and soul act differently occasionally as body is weak , mind is unsteady with less focus and soul is still energetic as it is just a witness of life. 

Soul carries the imprints of other incarnations too and is youthful always . 

Practically we can say , a person depleted of Ojas will feel the body as a cage and mind wavering in between , soul inside watching all these events in a neutral mode . This is why Ayurveda gives importance to maintaining life energy by resorting to suitable Satva Guna predominant diet and lifestyle. 

Satva Guna is positive and acceptive mindset in general , a generous nature. This promotes natural healing. This is why Satva Guna is revered the most. 

When we say the suffering of body and mind , rajo and tamo gunas do have role. But Satva Guna is predominant at birth and death when we become pure at the very moment of life gaining and leaving. 

The soul also will have the tendency to attain that light , this is why we say , thy take us to the light. For the pure light is liberation and bliss at the same time. 


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