
Breaking of silence - soft words

  Sometimes it feels like you need to utter some soft words , some pretty conversations just casually .  Discussing your opinions confidently let's you express yourself and reveal your inner soul to others.  It could be a word of gratitude 🌸☺️ , a literary appreciation of a work you have read or seen somewhere. It could be something which made your D day special and happy. That moment is so graceful , literally.  It makes you both feel light and enjoy your present moment.  There can be fellow beings whom you believe share your ideals about life and give you sometime to chatter and relax.  There can be a drizzle in front of your window panes while you talk , there can be cold wind blowing whizzling out there making the chill feeling more comfortable while you talk.  Yes , that cozy feel can be expressed into words too , such words exude simply warmth, intimacy and some sort of openness in them. They make you feel high , positive and motivated to cheris...

Love as the greatest weapon..

  Love can be the greatest weakness and it's also the greatest weapon , mightier than hatred.  For love tells to live and flourish .  It can be self love or self worth one can say.  When negativity thrives to exist in the universe , love can create powerful barrier as a resistance to that .  One gets stronger and confident when full of love energy.  But love may not always be visible to the eyes , it could be seen outwards as resistance , but internally it's all acceptance in disguised manner .  Love disguised , yet inspiring deep inside to go on farther ahead.  There lies valleys of enchanting roses , mystic divine sceneries ahead and fragrant places just for your sake.  Yes , love leads as the divine light. 

Days come and go.

Days come and go , so are the months and years .  Never mind , let the show go on and on.  Never mind , keep your mind and thoughts to nourish your inner love and passion for your goals.  Those goals are sometimes many , yet are like sweet drops of honey which makes your memories and thoughts sweeter and enjoyable.  May be sometimes , in the meanwhile , take a deep breath and say hi to some like minded people.  Some are friends , some well wishers and some will turn also into critics some times.  Make their day also enjoyable and make them feel good that day.  May be next innings are meant for your sake , only when you are there in a picturesque spot all alone , yet immersed in yourself , and are true to yourself , deep into your mysteries and tales.  It's nice to be surrounded by people some times , it's nice to sit alone and think further also.  Whatever happens , let that just happen.  No strings attached with life and death.  It...

The real follower.

A follower is following the steps or ideas of a leader knowingly or unknowingly or is atleast interested in that sort of ideology. He likes to know more about his idol .  Why to follow ?  May be the follower needs to know how another person like him tackles life situations smoothly. He sees the leader as a role model in some selected situations.  Follow or carve one's own path is good ?  To discover one's own innate ideas and work on self development after understanding what fellow beings have done will be working mostly.  Life is not the same , nor are the opportunities and challenges coming on the way.  Everyone has their own version of truth and life. Explore yourself wisely. 

Why fear ... !

 Fear not if you have fire of truth inside you.  Fear not if you are able to see your own dark and bright shades.  Fear not , it's all experience and experiments about life.  Fear not , atleast when you know at the end of the day , all experiences can be categorised safely under your own philosophical observations !!  Fear not ,  even if you lose or gain , after many years , it doesn't matter to any one and you don't have to take all  the burden to your grave !  Fear not , you gain some things , you lose too. So , the balance sheet is rich and fine.  You are active in your life indeed.  Never mind , the show must go on.  Try for your next innings. It's gonna be fine if you take it in that way. Feel light , feel love and go on . 

Why to live ?

  Why to live is a question mark sometimes .  May be you live for materialising just a great small idea for the world and that may be your soul purpose.  May be you live for someone who needs an inspiration to move on , might be you are passing near by that person just for a few moments, but that effect will be a big change for them.. May be you live for seeing some unknown places, or revisiting some past tales.  May be you live for meeting some chosen people and conversing them about life.  May be you live for just nothing , but breathing in and out some fresh air and enjoying some nice music and food for some days.  Any thing can be the reason , find your version of reason and just live.  Reason will arrive if you search for a meaning for your life.  It happens , just like that. Life is unexplainable sometimes. 

Rise of The Warrior

  A warrior has his razor sharp mind and thoughts as his first weapon .  Second weapon is courage and determination.  Third weapon is selflessness and desire to protect others.  Fourth weapon is readyness for sacrificing time and even the whole life for his mission.  He becomes complete only when his life becomes full of experiences , life saving and death dealing situations at the same time.  With responsibilities , comes risks , risks are accompanied with uncertainty and unexpected outcomes which often change the perspectives about life.  So , a warrior is able to tolerate and make change in his tactics accordingly to suit the delicate scenarios.  A warrior sees the rich and poor alike , for he knows only to respond to the ongoing situation. If it's an emergency , controlling the moment is the first preference and all other things will be even kept in mind after that only.  Weapons are meant for protection and destruction alike. Yet , balan...

The pure white light.

  The white pure light is an ocean of bliss 💕 It will spread when you emanate certain level of frequency of purity of soul.  The word is spreading , radiating.  The centre is the positive soul and the circumference of influence increases. Mass of people get influenced by that charisma. Like the herd gets controlled by its leader , people gets magnetised .  For this pure light , nothing is boundary. As we say , light travels with such  greatest speed ever. It penetrates deeper and wider , and whoever gets in touch with that light , gets encircled by its aura.  The white light slowly spreads and reaches every nook and corner of the world and the world itself becomes the same... Shelter of eternal love , kindness and compassion.  Prophets and psychics were a part of the universe every now and then. The universal energy gives all a hint of what's happening. You have heard of massive natural calamities which affects and travels across continents.  Yes...

Heartthrob of destiny.

  A time will come , no it's coming when you are sought after every day , when people want  to see atleast your photo a day. They feel some solace or a sort of intimacy connected to their destiny and soul with you.  A time comes when you are influencing them in their thoughts and they think about your life and incidents which guide them to initiate steps in their own lives.  A time comes when you are making them accept that life is a road of unexpected incidents good and bad in between. But you are moving on with caution and courage with an iron heart and a strong will power to succeed in life.  A time comes when they don't know why they feel connected to you , but still they call you , the master .  One life that anchors many lives together and steers in a positive direction. The axis of life. The heartthrob of their 💖...  May be all are just his own reflections . He has just come to resurrect and rearrange the lives of them. He acts as the pacemaker...

Let the light enter you.

  If you are stuck in darkness , yet are sure to face the light .. you will eventually see light seeping through the nearest closed window pane.    Thy seek the light , the wish shall be fulfilled .  For the light will penetrate into the darkest realms if you are sure of yourself.   It will happen if and only if you believe in yourself.  Enlighten other eyes too with the shine in your eyes once you visualise that eternal bright light , your lord...   

Shades of life ..

  The privileged has the opportunity to get them snapped and published .  The downtrodden or the so called normal people have to take selfies and make them pass through the filters of experiences , and lots of constrasting shades.  Those contrasting shades come from their own bright and shadow tones - the kind of souls they see and suffer sometimes.  May be they are self made portraits ... Portraits that are more creative with a tinge of hard earned golden wisdom and grey shades of sufferings in their life.  Life for them is a palate of colors , some colors are awesome and some are indicative of blood and sweat they have spent for surviving .  The smile when comes through such a face seems to be innocent and lovely , it tells millions of words in a fraction of second. It is more reflective , and is more appealing thereby.  Spread the seed of that contagious smile , that smile is the flower from your tough experiences , it says you have passed that...

Answer is you.

  Seeking answers to your questions is easy . Tune into yourself by taming your mind. Have the courage to enquire yourself the answer to your existence. You are born for some reason. Carry-on the process introspecting your own queries about life .  When the journey reaches mid way , you will start carrying your own versions of answers to each and everything in your life.  When the life reaches 3/4 th , you will be able to answer the queries of others also and guide them in life. That's what you call wisdom.  When the journey ends , you call it death.  The piece of information you are transmitting to others may be well processed by the universe as per the designated calculated web of life events , this well calculated interconnected course of events is what you call as your own destiny.   Not everyone can understand you , you are not sharing your destiny with them. It's all yours only.  YOUR KARMA IS YOURS ONLY.  So , understand yourself and p...

Protector females..

  The word female itself has male in it just like we say musculine and feminine energies are present in a person.  Today in this world , musculine energy of physical and mental assertiveness is misused by many of the cunning females. Whereas , the media and the conservative society gives priority to feminine soft traits only.  In our ancient scriptures also world wide , protector females - who had positive nature and both musculine and feminine traits were mentioned.  If a dominant negative female spreads poison in the society , then there should be dominant positive females too to take care of the society and to suppress their arrogance and evils.  Being always in poise and calm does not always give the required results , peace in the society. Diplomacy does not always work. Where war is required , warriors also are to be there.  Wherever action is required , it should be done and there is no excuse for it.  Even in the animal world , we see female an...

Centrifugal force and personal influence

  Can your increasing influence in the society lead to repelling of negative elements from you ? Yes , if you are a strong positive person , your aura radiates positive vibes which increases it's radius when your influential circle increases.  This acts like a centrifugal force for negative people and they are also pushed away from you when it comes to circumstances in your life.  When your aura is pure , it also has intensity of light like the Sun which makes people of negative vibes to stay away from your presence.  What about positive people in your lives ? They feel attracted to you like magnets and get connected with you automatically just like your phone gets connected to nearby Wifi network easily .  Science , technology , social science , human psychology, spirituality everything is deeply interconnected. 

Scribbling strokes

  Just scribble something sometimes.  Be it your thoughts , your opinions or findings from the light of your deep down experiences.  Scribble for namesake , like a relaxed pass time task.  Scribble some names you still remember out of the blues , your memory lanes.  Scribble some lovely quotes some one told you with an intense passion for you , with all interest in you.  Scribble those painful memories and let them float in your memory lake and flow away into the Ocean of brain .  Scribble those unique ideas you wish to improve world around you.  Scribble those fear and prejudiced views , make them convince to trust in your conscience and remain calm.  Scribble love , scribble faith , scribble and picturise yourself in the future era.  Be yourself and confident and bring yourself into those tiny letters ...  And one day , read those words again; when you are in a playful mood to read and forget.  For life is full of untold impr...

Building an empire..

  Building anything from scratch is a big task , building an entire empire is a huge task to be accomplished ofcourse.  When right planning gets worked out with right people and at the right time with right amount of efforts , the net result becomes worthy.  You need all kinds of people for that , even a small squirrel 🐿️ contributed in Rama Ravana war in Ramayana.  Advisors , ministers , warriors , merchants , artists , treasurers ... All strata of the society has their own set of contributions when coming to the making of a healthy society.  The base of any social setup should be based on the well being of the members as a whole by ensuring liberty , equality and fraternity.  The upper class should understand the lower class and vice versa. Emotional empathy when combines with efficient implementation of tasks, the society achieves the goal of progress.  This progress when expands itself into social, economical , geographical dimensions , the so cal...


  It's like a jumping into the sea like feeling , a sort of indulgence when it comes to things one wishes to do passionately.  You may get the pearl out there or just will have to return empty handed.  Yet the urge to jump high and delve into the depths of the unknown mysteries is something which gives you such a high.  People run and in the due course of time , accelerate their speeds inorder to reach the intended target asap.  Some hit the target precisely , some loose it at the least possible margins. This is what we call simply .. FATE.  You indulge in things which gives you that kick , which motivates you to keep running the track always.  It's like a dog tied to a circular pole runs and runs thinking to succeed in its attempt , always there are 50 - 50 chances.  Uncertainty is your greatest ally when it comes to sudden feelings and deeds out of passion. Sometimes , waiting for the right time and acting judiciously with precision and calculat...

Repeat mode ..

  Never understood why people come in different forms ; like same mentality and personality , different places , different names.  Never realised what they want to convey , may be they are meant to reinforce our positivity and thought processes to continue and carry on the mission.  Might be they will come again in different names at different places belonging to different age groups also.  Any ways , seems strange and philosophical.Yet the truth is sometimes weird and thought provoking.  People and their stories , their feelings , expressions everything stirs the mind. Stories continue ... It's nice to see someone opening their worlds for you , it's awesome to witness their beautiful expressions in front of you.  Beauty beholds in the eyes of the viewer. Yes , wholeheartedly one should welcome the worthy people , be a listener and discover the universe of untold stories. 

Forgive and forget the fog.

  When life is full of mist and fog , it's better to forgive and forget deeds.  Like the mist fades away on a warm sunny afternoon , life also begins its retake .  Make the mind a clean slate fresh enough to write all again , ready to create new wonderful memories .  Buddha said to forgive , Jesus said to forgive , Krishna said to forgive, since it is a sacred vow one can ever take.   Forgive and beg pardon to the universe for everything.  Knowingly or unknowingly if something has happened to someone , let you not suffer for that. Allow yourself to enter the new era with all positivity shedding out inhibitions and emotions stirred deep inside.  Let the fury dissolve and stillness be there in your mind , allow the light to enter into your soul.  Forget and forgive , be prepared for the upcoming days , lead your soul only in search of crystal clear light ,not the creepy broken darkness.  Let you be the light , and shine brightly like the S...

Rebirths and old souls...

  Why some people are always in a rush to do something valuable to others and some are indulgent in only trivial daily activities ?  May be the first category people have left out karma to finish in this life time and have imprints of many previous incarnations in their souls. They always feel an urge to do more and more to satisfy their inner intuition and instincts.  When some one is new to human form in this incarnation, he or she may be openly exploring and enjoying their first incarnation . May be they had been in other forms like that of trees or animals before. They donot have any fixed path to follow , because their entry into the human world is new. So they wander and later only find their path, whereas old souls have inborn guidance to chase their own paths since ages . They repeat their actions and it's like deeply imprinted in their soul searching journeys.  Old souls find their like minded soul mates easily , for the world is not new for them. They are e...

Threshold limit and trigger.

  As we say , pain ignites passion and urgency to excel in what we are doing. Like that sometimes we have to walk on fire to realise our true essence and progress in life.  This will trigger our working and going beyond threshold limit is required . This is just like some sort of  entering into calculated risks .  To know the depth of things like darkness , sometimes we have to embrace and immerse in it and come out within a calculated time.  Mission to be accomplished also has its own perks and challenges for the seeker.  Constant mental focus , observation and timing is important in this task.  Let the white light shine in the world. 

Chain reaction of events

  In nuclear fission , chain reaction occurs .  Chain reaction initiates its own repetition. Like this , when your energy expands , a part of it may trigger positivity in others and spread that energy to the surroundings and this continues.  When it reaches a certain threshold limit , your aura also expands further making more people connect with you automatically.  This can also be termed as physiology of working of universal law of attraction.  One ocean wave triggers another one and this makes the waves increase its length and height.  One ant 🐜 gets connected to another and marches by passing info for a common goal.  One person influenced by you makes your vibes reach another one and this progresses in an accelerating pace like one to hundred then to thousand like that.  This also makes your influence over others reach faster and wider. The depth of influence becomes profound and significant like the root of a tree becomes wider and it's trun...

Cuteness ..

  Some people are called as cute , may be their smile or even teeth may be like bugs Bunny 🐰 .. looking very adorable . Mostly people with round face with round chin are considered to be more cute.  Symmetry which seems to be homely , and enjoyable also is cute for many. See the emojis 🙂 too are in round shapes to look more adorable and acceptable in the social media.  People who are cute are also more young and child like . They resemble innocent babies sometimes.  Also , some specific expressions makes a person to be cute in eyes of others. Cute people also seem to be caring and harmless in subconscious mind of the viewers. 

Secrets behind the scene

  The world is going on with changes and besides this , the real play of secrets continues.  Not everyone can discover the inner shells unseen by most people.  Some destined will only find the reality attached to huge mansions and lucrative businesses.  Whether it's regarding business or managing people or international dealings , secrecy is a factor which covers the ultimate truth.  Since the time immemorial , parallel worlds and occult concepts were in vogue due to the thirst to know the reality by the mass.  From illuminati to UFO , imagination when combined with Sci Fi ideas and theories , many tales were created.  Today ,we can only say that transformation can lead us to know what the reality of the past was and will help us to discover what is upcoming next by carefully analysing things before us . 

Expanding radius of love..

  A person full of love is like an empty bottle emanating positive vibes all around.  Hollowness in mind , empty like a sky yet he is omnipresent and spreading his horizons and influence far and wide .  Love 💓 is bliss and like a vast blue beautiful ocean with calm powerful waves 🌊...  His glance and smile accentuates that vibration and enlightens the surroundings.  People around him will feel immersed in that tranquility , totally mesmerised by his personal charisma.  For him , love is pure essence of his soul and he throbs every now and then with that innate silent bliss of graceful presence.  For him , every moment of life is same , he is observant and neutral at his 💖.  Mindful existence is his key word , he remains passive throughout his life observing destiny closely and analysing how his thoughts shape and  get expressed by his body. For his soul is pure and bright like the pure fire 🔥. 

Motherly love ..

 Motherly affection

Gratitude.. the art of giving

  Gratitude to the almighty for any thing everything given and taken in life. For the art of recycling of Karma is known only when that process happens relentlessly and effortlessly.  Receive blessings after paying due respect to what has already been gifted by the universe to you. It's something special , a unique gift custom made suitable for your destiny.  Gratitude makes your mind lighter and confident. Humility will flourish and positivity will flow and you start attracting positive things to your life more and more.  Make yourself grateful , a wonderful blessed being incarnated on earth 🌍 for achieving your soul purpose. 

Thanks giving ...

Life is a play of innumerable moments mixed with emotions and incidents. Some come to life to teach us something , some learn somethings from us.  Thanks to all who made the way memorable , may be the life will take a U turn and lead to destinations to be conquered in solitude and thoughtfulness.  Yet , remembering all souls who once upon a time encouraged to remain calm amidst the storms , taught to be confident and positive .  Some talked about the mission , some about the destination to be reached and some about the challenges and opportunities in between. The topics are vast and different , yet each and every word gifted is important.  Thanks to all memorable people out there , never bid adieu any ways.  For all are meant for each other in the intertwined universe. See you at some day, some where, in some form; atleast in mental sky so vast.  Special memories never fade away , nor you are forgotten in the glasshouse of thoughts.  Fresh as a flower,...

Power , push n pull ..

  Power comes with responsibilities.  To be vigilant , observing minute fluctuations around you and people . It's all about how you tackle every moment wisely taking calculated risks.  Sometimes , you have to be all alone absorbing negativities and spitting it in the sink of your mental godown.  The deep trauma leaves behind subtle traces of distrust and suffocating emotional baggage. It's safe disposal is your own duty any ways.  Btw you are only allowed to purify the society , resurrect from ashes , spread positivity.  A leader is born , yet made  fully operational through facing challenges and pitfalls .  Every fall is an opportunity to rise , resuscitate yourself from the filth and get ready for the mission. 

Wandering wind

  Wind is cold and omnipresent. It has no beginning and end. It will freely flow and spread. It cannot be restricted , because it is having freedom as it's innate quality.  Rivers flow and emerge into the Ocean 🌊. Wind never merges , it carries oneself and others into its wings and goes to greater altitudes.  Wind is strong enough to influence a mountain .. the whizzle blowing of wind is known to everyone.  Fast , Swift and independent , that is wind. If you are weak , you gotta go with the enormous influence of the wind.  Life starts and ends with breath, the Vayu. The wind.  And the saga continues , things fly away with its sweeping action and it moves to another place to create another history.