Shades of life ..


The privileged has the opportunity to get them snapped and published . 

The downtrodden or the so called normal people have to take selfies and make them pass through the filters of experiences , and lots of constrasting shades. 

Those contrasting shades come from their own bright and shadow tones - the kind of souls they see and suffer sometimes. 

May be they are self made portraits ... Portraits that are more creative with a tinge of hard earned golden wisdom and grey shades of sufferings in their life. 

Life for them is a palate of colors , some colors are awesome and some are indicative of blood and sweat they have spent for surviving . 

The smile when comes through such a face seems to be innocent and lovely , it tells millions of words in a fraction of second. It is more reflective , and is more appealing thereby. 

Spread the seed of that contagious smile , that smile is the flower from your tough experiences , it says you have passed that  hard moment too successfully. 


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