Protector females..


The word female itself has male in it just like we say musculine and feminine energies are present in a person. 

Today in this world , musculine energy of physical and mental assertiveness is misused by many of the cunning females. Whereas , the media and the conservative society gives priority to feminine soft traits only. 

In our ancient scriptures also world wide , protector females - who had positive nature and both musculine and feminine traits were mentioned. 

If a dominant negative female spreads poison in the society , then there should be dominant positive females too to take care of the society and to suppress their arrogance and evils. 

Being always in poise and calm does not always give the required results , peace in the society. Diplomacy does not always work. Where war is required , warriors also are to be there.  Wherever action is required , it should be done and there is no excuse for it. 

Even in the animal world , we see female animals cuddle their young ones and at the same time protect them strongly from any blow from outsiders. 

Love , kindness are all good values. At the same time , courage , determination and valour to fight towards injustice and correct the wrong people also should be the feature of an ideal female. 

We say protect women , but who will protect weak women from strong cunning influences ?

Only protector females can combine motherly care and mighty force together for the resurrection of the damaged society. 

See even the beautiful godesses clad in jewels hold weapons with them. Don't you feel it's high time we stop pampering silent dolls and adopt brisk active life to proceed in life ? 


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