Answer is you.


Seeking answers to your questions is easy . Tune into yourself by taming your mind. Have the courage to enquire yourself the answer to your existence. You are born for some reason. Carry-on the process introspecting your own queries about life . 

When the journey reaches mid way , you will start carrying your own versions of answers to each and everything in your life. 

When the life reaches 3/4 th , you will be able to answer the queries of others also and guide them in life. That's what you call wisdom. 

When the journey ends , you call it death. 

The piece of information you are transmitting to others may be well processed by the universe as per the designated calculated web of life events , this well calculated interconnected course of events is what you call as your own destiny.  

Not everyone can understand you , you are not sharing your destiny with them. It's all yours only. 


So , understand yourself and progress in your own pace . No need to worry or hurry. 

There is no space for hatred or even sadness once you understand it's all well and enough for the so called Life custom designed for your life purpose. 

You had past lives where you were spending your life in unnecessary pursuits. Now it's time for your new phase in this lifetime. Show up to the world that you are someone who can push the limits to gain some real experiences . 

Get up and turn down sorrows , for you are never meant for setbacks. 

Failures are disguised real experiences , they make you see your reality in life. They show you the mirror , see them and just walk away to the other side. 

You have got the guts to be yourself. Once you are on the path , the path will carry yourself. 

Go and make your destiny ahead. 


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