Rebirths and old souls...


Why some people are always in a rush to do something valuable to others and some are indulgent in only trivial daily activities ? 

May be the first category people have left out karma to finish in this life time and have imprints of many previous incarnations in their souls. They always feel an urge to do more and more to satisfy their inner intuition and instincts. 

When some one is new to human form in this incarnation, he or she may be openly exploring and enjoying their first incarnation . May be they had been in other forms like that of trees or animals before. They donot have any fixed path to follow , because their entry into the human world is new. So they wander and later only find their path, whereas old souls have inborn guidance to chase their own paths since ages . They repeat their actions and it's like deeply imprinted in their soul searching journeys. 

Old souls find their like minded soul mates easily , for the world is not new for them. They are experts in living different lives in different places in different situations. 

Old souls also have sudden changes in their life related to their old incarnations . 

Old souls are wisdom embodied and they donot have to struggle to establish their new incarnations and chase materialistic pursuits much compared to new souls who are trapped in finding materialistic sources to prove themselves. Old souls already have achieved everything in their lives before. They just enter the last lives only to help the world and society . To uplift and encourage them to live a meaningful life . 

In Buddhism , Bodhisatvas were like them nearing liberation Moksha , yet delaying that to help worldly people attain peace and happiness. 

When you are self sufficient in this life time , your purpose is only to watch and help others to achieve for themselves. 


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