Chain reaction of events


In nuclear fission , chain reaction occurs . 

Chain reaction initiates its own repetition. Like this , when your energy expands , a part of it may trigger positivity in others and spread that energy to the surroundings and this continues. 

When it reaches a certain threshold limit , your aura also expands further making more people connect with you automatically. 

This can also be termed as physiology of working of universal law of attraction. 

One ocean wave triggers another one and this makes the waves increase its length and height. 

One ant 🐜 gets connected to another and marches by passing info for a common goal. 

One person influenced by you makes your vibes reach another one and this progresses in an accelerating pace like one to hundred then to thousand like that. 

This also makes your influence over others reach faster and wider. The depth of influence becomes profound and significant like the root of a tree becomes wider and it's trunk becomes stronger as time passes by. 

Depth is often correlated to darker unknown entities with hidden danger. But , depth can also be correlated to the epitome of positivity and kindness one plants in people's thought levels.Depth also refers to deep subconscious levels of mental functioning , neural circuits associated with every feeling .  


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