Days come and go.

Days come and go , so are the months and years . 

Never mind , let the show go on and on. 

Never mind , keep your mind and thoughts to nourish your inner love and passion for your goals. 

Those goals are sometimes many , yet are like sweet drops of honey which makes your memories and thoughts sweeter and enjoyable. 

May be sometimes , in the meanwhile , take a deep breath and say hi to some like minded people. 

Some are friends , some well wishers and some will turn also into critics some times. 

Make their day also enjoyable and make them feel good that day.

 May be next innings are meant for your sake , only when you are there in a picturesque spot all alone , yet immersed in yourself , and are true to yourself , deep into your mysteries and tales. 

It's nice to be surrounded by people some times , it's nice to sit alone and think further also. 

Whatever happens , let that just happen. 

No strings attached with life and death. 

It's just a Free Fall.... 

Jump and fly high into your dreams. 

They are not dreams , for you , they are your soul realities. 


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