Building an empire..


Building anything from scratch is a big task , building an entire empire is a huge task to be accomplished ofcourse. 

When right planning gets worked out with right people and at the right time with right amount of efforts , the net result becomes worthy. 

You need all kinds of people for that , even a small squirrel 🐿️ contributed in Rama Ravana war in Ramayana. 

Advisors , ministers , warriors , merchants , artists , treasurers ... All strata of the society has their own set of contributions when coming to the making of a healthy society. 

The base of any social setup should be based on the well being of the members as a whole by ensuring liberty , equality and fraternity. 

The upper class should understand the lower class and vice versa. Emotional empathy when combines with efficient implementation of tasks, the society achieves the goal of progress. 

This progress when expands itself into social, economical , geographical dimensions , the so called Empires are created. 

Rome was not built in a day. So the process is slow and has a set of evolution involved in it. It is the duty of the king maker and the king to find out the right cast for the play of building an empire. 

Power comes with responsibilities and it's smooth execution increases the radius of circle of power. Powerful empires are strong and indomitable. They exist ,  survive and progress as a thumb rule. 

Altruistic personalities with charisma and proficiency to command only can make the sun rise happen in an empire. It is the tireless relentless efforts of a king 👑 which ultimately makes him an emperor in due course of time. 

Coronation doesn't happen as such. You have to earn respect and owe that legendary spirit to excel in your kingdom to establish yourself as an emperor. 

It's like picking up small stones daily to make a large statue , the end should be in the mind when the show begins. 

Visionaries can rule the world , farsightedness matters. Fortune favours farsighted fearless fellows ...


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