

It's like a jumping into the sea like feeling , a sort of indulgence when it comes to things one wishes to do passionately. 

You may get the pearl out there or just will have to return empty handed. 

Yet the urge to jump high and delve into the depths of the unknown mysteries is something which gives you such a high. 

People run and in the due course of time , accelerate their speeds inorder to reach the intended target asap. 

Some hit the target precisely , some loose it at the least possible margins. This is what we call simply .. FATE. 

You indulge in things which gives you that kick , which motivates you to keep running the track always. 

It's like a dog tied to a circular pole runs and runs thinking to succeed in its attempt , always there are 50 - 50 chances. 

Uncertainty is your greatest ally when it comes to sudden feelings and deeds out of passion.

Sometimes , waiting for the right time and acting judiciously with precision and calculation only helps. Sometimes , the bungee jumping to search for the last minute solution is required. 

Be the medium path promoter for maintaining your balance , never too low , never too high. But always the cool and calm guy ☺️



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