Forgive and forget the fog.


When life is full of mist and fog , it's better to forgive and forget deeds. 

Like the mist fades away on a warm sunny afternoon , life also begins its retake . 

Make the mind a clean slate fresh enough to write all again , ready to create new wonderful memories . 

Buddha said to forgive , Jesus said to forgive , Krishna said to forgive, since it is a sacred vow one can ever take.  

Forgive and beg pardon to the universe for everything. 

Knowingly or unknowingly if something has happened to someone , let you not suffer for that. Allow yourself to enter the new era with all positivity shedding out inhibitions and emotions stirred deep inside. 

Let the fury dissolve and stillness be there in your mind , allow the light to enter into your soul. 

Forget and forgive , be prepared for the upcoming days , lead your soul only in search of crystal clear light ,not the creepy broken darkness. 

Let you be the light , and shine brightly like the Sun.   Never wander here and there , get your directions right and progress linearly in that path. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Extremely motivational lines especially for me cherishing a bitter experience and resulting unvented fury thereby undergoing acute emotional & mental stress since a long time...Pls keep pouring out your poet-heart & philosopher-mind through your mighty pen in the same way!


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