The hidden wisdom


It is said that , you should try to learn lessons from advises of wise people. But you know , the universal energy is so vast that out of that only a piece of information is getting into the thoughts of wise people. From this , only a portion will come out to the people as advises. And its like the drawing of a cat. When each person copies the picture , atlast some other picture is got . Therefore , we are only getting a glimpse of reality really. 

In some of the enlightened sages opinion , they have told about presence of thought vibrations of seers in the sky itself . So when we are in tune with those vibrations through  deep meditation, those information will be automatically downloaded into our thoughts. In short , those original inventory ideas may have origin from other past seers who thought a lot about the same thing during their life times. 

We have to be like an open receptacle to be a medium for receiving these thoughts. Thats why positivity plays a role. Positivity breeds clarity and confidence effortlessly. It makes your thoughts crystal clear , analytical and you are able to think out of the box and to the very root of everything. You have seen positivity is being told to be like pure white with no dark spots. No hidden intentions and it's like an open space with nothing to hide. It's like an open circle . The same thing is told in Upanishads , we attain poornatvam , completeness once we know our origin and end. 

 You have came from the universe , you will go back and get absorbed into it. Then why play hide and seek with others disturbing their life purpose. A story is there that when Alexander the great breathed his last , he showed his empty hands. Nothing conquered he will take to other worlds. What he earned will be lost here and he will proceed empty handed like he came to this world. 

Discover inner wisdom , close your eyes and find it . No bookish knowledge is complete. Only true wisdom that dawn's in mind by itself is precious and eternal. 


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