Silence and knowing future


If you are given the ability to see our future , what will be your response to that ?

We will be watchful of each deed and try to stay calm as we know the cause and result of every action of ours right ? What if it's given to someone who is not in control ? They will most probably end being fearful of untoward consequences of their deeds , but they will feel they are not able to stop that activity . That will be a miserable condition. 

It is said that incarnations of the almighty know their destiny upto some extent , but they also do their duties like normal humans so as the destiny is undisturbed . For what they are playing this drama ? To give message to the upcoming generations may be. But it's a fact that all these are part of myths. Mythology the name itself says.

Anyhow, illusion, the momentary Maya is present in our lives also. Don't you remember some things in your past you have done which seems to be comical or illogical to you now ? What caused you to do that? 

You will say , that was a momentary instinct you followed and you ended up like that . So this instinct which can be risky , momentary and changing later is called Maya. 

That moment when you are confused and unable to differentiate between right and wrong is lack of descrimination , Viveka. This occurs when your mind and thoughts are negative or clouded . 

When you are wise , your inner consciousness gets activated to guide you between good and bad choices. Then you become enlightened.  One with Bodha , you become Buddha. Your intellect Buddhi becomes clear. 

So , silence is said to be a good means to pass the present moment , inactivity which can avoid doing hasty things also is welcomed by seers. They say , to give it some time to think before doing because , they can foresee your future. 

The illusion will not last long if you are training yourself to think with clarity. The illusion may clear by its own like a cloud driven by sunlight once you start to shine on your own by your powerful positive thoughts and deeds. 


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