Connecting science and philosophy

 Every one has their own versions of truth.  That truth is based on their mental attitudes and upbringing since childhood. Some may correlate truth to be related to strict orthodox principles , some may say it can be flexible depending on the viewpoint of the person who comes to know it. Eg, in Jainism , a concept called Anekantavada is there meaning every fact has various view points and truth is relative to that view point. 

This is the same as theory of relativity of Einstein. You are sitting in a train ,as per you , the external objects like trees are moving. But when you are in the side of the trees standing motionlessly , the train is only moving . 

What do you understand from this ? 

Science and philosophy are always connected. That hidden link is decoded by introspection and vast analysis of references by the scientists or philosophers. Oppenheimer , father of atomic bomb expressed a Sanskrit sloka from 11 th chapter of Bhagavat Gita while seeing the detonation blast of the bomb. In Harward University , arts and philosophy were also part of the curriculum of science. 

Also in India , personalities like Varahamihira , Aryabhatta etc. were well versed in both literature and sciences. It's high time that we stop detaching elementary science from philosophy as this leads to lack of ethical thinking in scientific application and becomes the base for baseless mugging up of data . 

Another fact to remember is that , we process information as per our mental background . Eg. A normal average minded person can chant Slokas and say meaning . But can he correlate the bomb blast scene to sloka in gita ? 

Simply no . When we are well versed in multiple aspects and are able to connect the dots by thinking and contemplating , this ability is formed. 

Thats why in Indian philosophy , mananam , contemplation of facts is given importance so that we are able to creatively come up with new ideas on our own. 

Learning is a joy when we are able to connect the dots . This should be done to enhance our lives and be valuable in our pursuits. Competition and mugging up for that won't help in the long run because creativity and talent only go hand in hand . 


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