Research and inventions


We say invention when we tell about a new unique idea implemented first time in the world.

We say discovery when we find something which was already existing but unknown to others. 

We say research when we are searching details about something already existing and searched before by others. It's re-search. So the point is that nothing is an invention now a days in reality. When it's re-search oriented , it's based on preexisting texts and ideas in the world related to that subject. 

True wisdom that arises in mind is a unique thing that occurs only in your mind. It's like an invention. When another person finds that in his mind , it's his invention. 

Bookish knowledge is only re search and mind the fact that written texts or circulating ideas may have hidden interests and false information also. Thats why Indian philosophy says to find out truth of everything by yourself. So self discrimination , analysis and interpretation are essential as per Eastern philosophy rather than mugging up random ideas of someone. 

The role of creativity also is important here. We have to get information from reasearch , interpret as per our wisdom and use it creatively for constructive purposes for the world. This is a continuous and step wise process when progressing in life. 

Thats why we say always , think wise and think for yourself . 


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