The sword..

 The sword .. the power symbol is in yourself. 

Your tongue and writings are your biggest weapons. Sharpen your thoughts and cut straight away ill feelings from the roots. 

Dissect carefully until you get the soft core of your own thoughts. 

Straight away say your intentions to others if you think it's of worth to others , if not, cut those thoughts into half and throw into the trash bin. 

No time for beating around the bush , find the core eye of anything , everything and just do it with maximum effort and confidence. 

When you are of immense will power , that will change to become your own charisma. 

The sword of thoughts may dwindle , never mind , allign them right . 

If you have a strong will , there will be a splendid way indeed. 

Rome was not built in a day , it takes years and patience to reach your destination. Yet , be sure to tighten your seat belts and get ready for the journey - incredible and fantastic in its own way. 


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