Alternate reality

 There exists an alternate reality for everything. An Indian person will think how to do his religious rituals. An American at the same time will be thinking how to drive his Tesla car. An African will be thinking how to give proper food and education to his children. An Afghan person will think how to establish peace in his village. Each of the moment , we have various time zones operating , moments of life and emotions associated with it. We are processing our thoughts based on our conditioning developed by our experiences and cultures. 

There is another version of truth also for everything. What happens at the grass root levels and top notch category will change . In between , the people are stuck in beliefs and prejudices. 

You are always seeing a white washed image or a blurred image or even an extremely edited version of things. You are living in illusion created by media and now a days the social media also . 

When money and might are the greatest forces controlling nations , you are often injected with things which are subconsciously entering your mind and are reflected in your thoughts and behaviour. 

The giants are manipulating you for their business , develop an observation to all these trends rather than going inside the black hole created by these. 

May be the world itself is a conspiracy , who knows . The reality lies in the universe and tune into that positive frequency for surviving. 

Recharge yourself with positive intention , words deeds which have truth in them. 

Follow what your soul says , hear your conscience and follow your passion always. 

Be yourself and make your path illuminated. 


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