Rush complete life purpose

 They told , he was rushing to complete tasks in his life. 

Wait , you have to do this way , that way as we command you. As per our demand only , you work for us. 

He told , I have lot more other things to do before I sleep. 

They thought , he is overworking and burdening himself. 

He was loading his gun with bullets to strike at the evils in the society. 

He was making clarity in his mind to rearrange himself and resurrect in every possible way. 

Miles to go before I sleep , he would say . Rather he didn't had time for gossiping or trivial fights with short term people in his life. 

He changed his dimensions , he changed his attitude now and then. 

He achieved that was to be done in a lifetime within a short period . 

He was hailed for his bravery and was the unbeatable maestro in his field. 

One day , he was no more and the world discussed his news of demise in precision ..

He was saying to God in person.. 

Oh , lord . Thanks for getting me for another mission of yours. 

Let me change my dress and go back to the universe for another drama one more time. 

His soul was glowing and spreading all over the world. 

His charisma and thoughts were transmitted to a person in the world, a young lad with thoughts to revolutionize the world. 

And there began another story of an iconoclast legend. 

Legends never die , coz they are unstoppable. 


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