Substitute ..

 You may be talented , experienced , beautiful or handsome , yet you also can be replaced any time any where. 

In relationships , job and what not , you can be substituted by some other. So stop focussing on others tasks much. They can have other alternatives for you . 

Your soul is only meant for you , your conscience is only looking after you. Give your thoughts and attention to your own innate entities or gifts in life. 

Others may or may not need you depending on the situation. But you need to do it all yourself if you want to progress in your goals. 

Everything is temporary , those words of expressing solidarity and those promises also are momentary.

Don't wait to turn things upside down in your life. 

Start from the scratches and progess by yourself. 

Be a unique identity that no one can ignore or even compare. Be an iconic classic personality ahead of time. 

Your time also will come. Just do your duty without considering the outcomes. Feel happy and trust your destiny. 

Be confident to do it and let the process culminate into good results. Be patient , be hopeful and rest of the things universe will do for you. 

Attract positivity , attract love and respect effortlessly.  


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