Freeze here.. in this moment


Freeze here , enjoying the real essence of this moment. 

Make yourself a nostalgic seeker , a philosophical thinker to the core. 

Let your eyes remain still , calm and be mindful in this very feel . 

You can think how marvellous the world is , the creation of universe is and how closely the emotions are knitted around this universe in every one's minds. The same software installed , yet the programme differs and it's timings ! 

Do nothing , because you have everything in this moment and every moment is complete in itself. 

You exist just like others do , then why rushing ahead so as to overtake some other? 

To do or not to do is your choice , but doing and not doing also sometimes are useless or more or less the same only. 

Celestial delusion continues then also and you revolve around this , physically and mentally.This moment is all yours , be yourself , smile and cheerup to make the day great ...



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