Contradictory notions ..


Sometimes you exist in duality. You nurture your feminine creative side and also want to push it forward by your aggressive musculine attitude. 

Then , there occurs a dilemma , the background is not suitable for both these faces to exist together at the same time. 

When Siva and Sakti has to function together ,chaos are created in life also. 

When these become balanced , the ultimate peaceful bliss occurs . 

When your male and female hormones also remain imbalanced , your body feels the same , ocean of uncertainty around you and mental feel of something is not right over there. 

In Yoga , we say Ida and Pingala Nadi are not balanced and breath work to correct that is suggested. 

When you balance both , oneness is created and thus you become complete. Poorna to the extent that nothing is impossible , yes , everything is possible once you find balance in yourself. 


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