Vedic numerology , Astrology and Ayurveda

Vedic numerology , Astrology and Ayurveda are closely related.
Ever wondered why Modern medicine became the primary medicine in the recent era ?
Why Strong Sun in the natal horoscope chart signifies modern medicine study ?
Why Homeopathy is favourite for all and even their medicines ?
For that , the connections need to be explained first.
In Vedic  Numerology ,
Numbers from 1 to 9 are assigned to Navagrahas .
1 - Soorya or Sun
2 - Chandra or Moon
3 - Guru or Jupiter
4 - Rahu
5 - Budha or Mercury
6 _ Sukra  or Venus
7 - Ketu
8 - Sani or Saturn
9 - Kuja  or Mars

For English alphabets also , numbers are assigned .
1- A, I ,J, Q , Y
2 - B, R , K, R
3 - C, G, L, S
4 - D, M, T
5 - E ,X , N ,H
6 - U, V , W
7 - Z , O
8 - F
9 - P

If we calculate , total of Ayurveda the word letters , we will sum up as number 8 .
8 represents Saturn , the giant old planet in Astrology . In Astrology , Saturn shows wisdom , ancient literature , hard work and constant struggle and knowledge obtained by this. In the end of even Sani dasha , Sani transforms us completely for a better life. Saturn is also slow in nature ,hence the pattern of medicine and treatment also shows such a trend. It transforms from the grass root level with great expertise .
When we sum up Ayurvedic medicine ,the word , we get 3 the number of Jupiter ,Deva guru Brihaspati.. the knowledge which is textual and divine is represented there also. Lord Vishnu has influence in this desposition. Remember the Lord Dhanwantari himself as the God of Ayurveda .

Next ,let's see what Ayurvedic doctor word says . It says a master number 11/2 , power of number 2 of partnerships with spiritual relation and struggles to achieve goals.
That's what it says.
Comparatively ,Ayurvedic physician is the apt word as it sounds a 5 , with power to make more social contacts and freedom to explore in the society.

Allopathy with a master number of 11/ 2 ,became popular after it was named Modern medicine with the Prime number 1 ,'first in everything with leading nature . Dominance is the word for number 1 always .
Homeopathic medicine sums up as 6 ,the cherished,  home centered  Venus makes this medicine more popular and sweet ofcourse.
Everything in this universe is having hidden meanings.
Everything can be interconnected too .
That is why , Ayurveda acharyas told us to study other Sastras also before starting practise and discuss and impart knowledge to others .

You can contact me on the following links .
Facebook profile _ Sreedevi sooraj
Google+ profile    -  sreedevi nv
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Thanks for reading this article. Stay tuned.


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