Pearl _ Mukta in Ayurveda , Astrology and Cosmetology

You might have noticed famous celebrities like Kareena Kapoor Khan wearing gems like Silver Pearl ring in  the little finger in films and public functions .Such people also undergo expensive beauty care treatments including facials like Pearl facial to reduce sun tan and  prevent wrinkles  on face due to ageing.
Pearl is the common thing here .
Pearl ,one among the Nava ratnas originating from the water itself is considered as Queen among  Astrological gems also .
That which is cool and  have water origin will be obviously reducing excessive effects of heat in the body and mind . Be it fever , acidity , mental depression due to excessive tensions and anger or excessive bleeding, Pearl or mukta is effective in all ways . Pearl is also a natural Calcium supplement useful in Osteo arthritis and associated ailments.
In Ayurveda , we give Mukta bhasma ,the incinerated form for such complaints . It reduces Pitta imbalance in the body . Pitta is having hot nature always , coolness of mukta alleviates increased Pitta .
Mukta is available in Mukta pishti form also which is better because of the involvement of rose water in its making. So ,more cooling effect is produced in the body.

In Astrology also , Moon the watery planet is represented by Pearl... yes ,the white pearl . Mind is also connected with Moon. Those having debilitated Moon in their charts often will have mood swings and lack of self confidence at times . Moon also signifies arts , herbs ,herbal medicine ,mother etc.
So , artists , writers and those with mentally weak temperament are often advised to wear Pearl ring on little finger on Monday . Here  , Monday signifies moon again ,little finger indicates one's intellectual power and silver also is a metal which is good along with pearl .
Silver also is an Ayurvedic medicine. Silver is known as Rajata in Ayurveda .

Cosmetology employs Pearl facial to reduce sun tanning and ageing . Sun is also having intense heat . So this is also an application of the same age old principles of Ayurveda .

This establishes the relation between Ayurveda , astrology and other sciences aimed for human welfare .

Posted by
Dr Sreedevi N V
Consultant Ayurveda physician
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