Details to be shared with your Ayurvedic doctor on consultation..

What details you need to share with your Ayurveda doctor on consultation?
Apart from normal medical case history details ,Ayurvedic doctors ask some specific questions related to the examination aspects in Ayurveda . So , take care of these things in mind before your visit to the Doctor.

Name ,age ,address,gender ,occupation are part of common medical data at first recorded , next part comes as presenting complaints ie , now what the patient feels as signs of the disease .
Then ,the onset ,duration and progressof that complaint is recorded along with any associated complaints if any like numbness in feet in Diabetes patients .
The past medical history also is asked to reveal any fall ,accident or illnesses like Chickunguniya the patient had or  had undergone treatment before .
Specifically ,after asking height and weight ,checking parameters like Blood pressure etc , the patient is asked about
Bowel , how the bowel motion is taking place ?
Is it hard stool ,passing only once a day or with difficulty ,like that .
In Ayurveda this is a part of Koshta pareeksha through which digestion status of the patient and Prakrti the inherent constitution of the patient can be known .
How is the appetite of the patient ?
If any distaste or disinterest in food is there for the patient are enquired to know about the Agni .. in short metabolism of the body for everything ,even digestion.
Status of passing of urine is also assessed to discover any colour change in urine ,or cases like dribbling of urine and excessive urination in Diabetes.
Sleep pattern also is asked , Vata kopa in the body makes sleep irregular ,mental diseases also are showing insomnia as main cause and symptom.
In case of females , menstruation history also is asked .

Apart from these ,Eight fold of examination like examination of five senses and even sound ,touch,sight and  physical stature are included .
Assessing the prakrti of the patient is the key concept in treatment .
Detailed assessment also encompasses modern investigations .Lab tests , Xray  and other radiological tests are checked by Ayurvedic doctors in relevant cases .
Treatments are planned as per Sastra and doctors own experience and expertise .
If the patient is open to the doctor , they can get maximum possible advices and best treatment in Ayurveda .


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