Vedic numerology , Astrology and Ayurveda are closely related. Ever wondered why Modern medicine became the primary medicine in the recent era ? Why Strong Sun in the natal horoscope chart signifies modern medicine study ? Why Homeopathy is favourite for all and even their medicines ? For that , the connections need to be explained first. In Vedic Numerology , Numbers from 1 to 9 are assigned to Navagrahas . 1 - Soorya or Sun 2 - Chandra or Moon 3 - Guru or Jupiter 4 - Rahu 5 - Budha or Mercury 6 _ Sukra or Venus 7 - Ketu 8 - Sani or Saturn 9 - Kuja or Mars For English alphabets also , numbers are assigned . 1- A, I ,J, Q , Y 2 - B, R , K, R 3 - C, G, L, S 4 - D, M, T 5 - E ,X , N ,H 6 - U, V , W 7 - Z , O 8 - F 9 - P If we calculate , total of Ayurveda the word letters , we will sum up as number 8 . 8 represents Saturn , the giant old planet in Astrology . In Astrology , Saturn shows wisdom , ancient literature , hard work and constant strug...