NEET the national entrance is getting popular day by day.  Those who wish to be doctors study hard to crack out the entrance ,some succeed , some donot.
The majority who wish to be doctors will be having the aim to be a doctor mainly due to some concepts of the society.
Let me say one by one ,
A doctor is highly respected in the society ,even name ,fame amd wealth are guaranteed assets in the future for them .
They have to study well , harder and harder and work out every now and then to improve their knowledge and clinical skills . Yet the society loves the so called 'Stethoscope tagged doctor images ' always .
Many people aspire to make their children doctors in the future ,for that they send them to coaching centres even starting from primary classes for the so called foundation courses.
Some students will be good in mathematical gimmicks and byhearting skills . Those with will and determination do succeed in this rat race. Yet, a minority who doesn't had that much studying capability try their level best to cope up with the situation. The current entrance system tests mathematical talent rather than biological knowledge and  passion to join medical sciences.
Ayurveda is a medical science originated in our Ancient Bharata , with all the divinity and connection with the Indian culture.
The syllabus of studying Ayurveda in the past was Gurukula system with strict Brahmacharya and knowledge of complimentary sciences like indian philosophy ,astrology and literature . It deals with a philosophical outlook based on Eastern school of thought .
It's not a Western science with materialistic physical science relations .
So , to be precise , Ayurveda graduation course of BAMS -The Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery is not related in any way with the materialistic physics,chemistry ,mathematics in the Secondary School Syllabus in the Indian System .
If at all one need an entrance for BAMS entry , test their passion and philosophical attitude towards Ayurveda , knowledge about Indian culture ,religions and language .
Ayurveda needs geniuses to decode complex Ayurvedic treatises and slokas in them ,new formulations ,new medicinal dosage forms and established clinical examination methods in the future .
Ayurveda doesn't needs doctors who sit idle in the clinic or roam around wards in the hospital .
Ayurveda needs young talented people as doctors who can encourage and make aware the public the past ,present and future of Ayurveda .
To read ,  repeat , investigate ,formulate and practise further is the key to this.
Being copy cats of the classical fomulations or proven patent medicines is of no use , make one's own medicines ,treatment styles and lot of things can be done .
Ayurveda acharyas were always great visionaries saying even not to fear unknown diseases or even medicines. They told to treat as per symptoms and make one's own medicines or Yogas as per availability and condition of the patient .
One may wonder that those seers were sitting idle at their ashrams , not at all, they were thinking abd formulating new concepts through their jnana drishti,  divine vision , formulating new treatises abd medicines for the benefit of the mankind.
This dedication needs to be adhered all times .
When there is a will ,there is a way .
Let the upcoming generation of Ayurveda make the world blessed with Ayurveda .
Those who entered Ayurveda by chance should think this to be a divine medical science .
Ayurveda is not just a medical science ,its a lifestyle , a new way of thinking too.


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