Rise and raise others.


Never mind the consequences . 

For they come to shake you out of your seat. 

To innovate yourself for getting ready for the massive changes in yourself. 

It was a stormy night yesterday also , but this day onwards you will be prepared to be on your own . 

Coz , it's not the storm that decides.  It's your determination to face which decides the fate of the happening today or tomorrow. 

It will subside. 

It will subside on account of your courage. 

Mighty forces seldom take rest for more time. They just can't settle down. They are meant to rise up and raise others. 

They also throw others who don't get along their way. It could be a tornado or just a plain ocean wave.  🌊

Never mind insects crawling beneath your mats. 

You are expected to roll your mats and stand straight beyond that rug. 

It will be so. Your command should be the echo. Rise up and get down straight to the streets.

For the people need you. 

Raise your voice like a roaring 🦁 lion , like a majestic Leo. 


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